
Grew up in Monroe, right on the border. This is entirely accurate.
Cedar Point is worth it though.

Fuck off. Liberals do not see peace and collaboration as weak.

Fuck right off with this nonsense. 

What evidence do you have of that? Provide a link to a reputable source showing the connection that you’re claiming.

Just look at the festering pile, whataboutism is all they have:

Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout.

Don’t “both sides” this shit. One of the two parties is actively obstructing anything resembling progress on these issues.

Yeah, but we can elect Joe Biden and he’ll be able to work with these people because [soul explodes as I crumple into a bloody heap]

Whoever runs that account knows his shit. Straight homicide.

“Hi, I’d like to report a murder.

Someone better warn John Elway not to go grazing out there.

Getting Joe Flacco when you need a franchise QB is like getting a can of shoe polish when you need to treat your baldness.

Someone should explain to him how the U.S Senate works.

Also live in Denver (ok, fine, Aurora) and it’s hilarious listening to the right-wingers on AM radio freak out every day about any policy even slightly to the left of fucking Reagan

the opposite 20 to the opposite 15. Now, I don’t know how far that is.

NOT a Broncos fan, but I am a Denver resident, and give us a LITTLE slack about our Governor. Hickenlooper has moved on from the state house to tut-tut at the Dems who literally don’t want people to die from insulin rationing, and was replaced by Jared Polis, a Gay man who’s running a pretty left administration right


I coached AAU. I walked into a neighborhood gym in a Seattle right after being laid off from my job at the time, said I’d coached before (which I had, middle school kids) and the next night I was running practice of my own team made up of rich white kids not good enough for the top teams but whose parents were willing

Don’t blame the drunk golfer. Blame Gary in 23C for yelling “GET IN THE HOLE!!” for four hours.