For exclusive videos, pictures, and more, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Send us your…
For exclusive videos, pictures, and more, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Send us your…
The NBA isn’t trying to break into the upper echelon of professional basketball leagues which already consists of numerous far superior non-American leagues.
Pro/rel has its supporters and detractors, but one reason MLS is so resistant to it is because of its structure as a single entity, which it seems clear is…
Yeah, he’s gotta play with Descartes he’s been dealt.
Give him a break, he’s writing for a Nietzsche audience.
What a Kant.
North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?
Fuck that literal mother fucker
At the Olympic opening ceremony on Friday, Mike Pence, a man who has hair made of Lego and a heart made of stone,…
Eh, I think that take is fine, actually. The thing I keep coming back to is, Kyrie’s trade request had gone public, the sort of thing that usually gets portrayed as harming a team’s leverage in trade negotiations. As far as anybody knew at the time, the Cavs turned that situation into adding one of the league’s…
That’s still a step up from scrapple.
There is either something wrong with me or something wrong with this man, because I have never been so happy about…
Here’s how this went down.
Not to victim blame, but she was outside in Australia. She’s lucky she wasn’t killed by a spider or a snake having a “My venom is more deadly than your venom” contest.
Crap - They know kung-fu now. Everyone abandon Australia!
Looks like the live Deadcast went great.
I’m a longtime ad agency worker. We made these for meetings and would actually have tears in our eyes laughing as clients/account weenies/strategists rattled off all 25 terms inside an hour.
Why don’t the Hawks try to turn their season around and sign this dude? He’d start for them immediately and he only fell on defense once.
Tasks I wouldn’t choose over having to listen to Clay Travis and Britt McHenry talk, ranked:
Huh. It’s almost like human feelings are...nuanced.