You think Jones took steroids cause he thought he could beat Comier without them?
You think Jones took steroids cause he thought he could beat Comier without them?
The Athletic’s Nicole Auerbach reports tonight that NCAA president Mark Emmert was personally told in 2010 of more…
Ah yes, noted professional football league management expert Triple-H.
The subtext is obvious but it’s worth spelling out that “family-friendly” here is a dogwhistle for “you won’t have to explain to your kids that a professional athlete is upset that unarmed black people are getting murdered by police, in the very unlikely event they even noticed the brief protest to begin with”. Christ.
If you think this is crazy, wait until I tell you what Fox *News* has completely ignored
I wish I had a snarky comment for this. I’m out of ‘em. Fuck that ridiculous right-wing cabal of sham networks and everything they stand for.
More than 150 women have come forward to say that former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar sexually abused them.…
I assume we can look forward to Penn State erecting a statue in honor of Simon soon.
The Senate on Monday voted 81 to 18 to reopen the federal government, bringing a three-day shutdown to an end.
You know you gotta fuck up pretty bad to be worse than Penn State, yet here we are.
Believeland > Strugglesville > Doubt Town > Chicago
How much water must one drink to heal a fracture?
For some unfathomable reason, I read this comment in Gollum’s voice.
You and your buddy are a couple of giant fucking babies. Here’s an idea: fucking write about it yourselves if you’re so displeased. Otherwise, kindly shut the fuck up and move on
People ask us why we harp on Bill Simmons a lot here and the answer is because he’s the most powerful, influential sportswriter in America.
I, for one, am going to give Kyrie some credit. There are a whole lot of people out there who have no real interest in acquiring knowledge, who are incurious, and accept as truth what they are told providing it lines up with their biases. At least he’s trying to expand his mind and learn something.
Hopefully people read the entire article because there’s an all time simmons paragraph where he compares the people in the Patriots scandal to the characters in Almost Famous, which sounds like something you would make up if you were trying to parody a simmons article.