“Big Blue Nation.” Ye Gods. Hearing that makes me want to kick each and every one of them square in the taint.
“Big Blue Nation.” Ye Gods. Hearing that makes me want to kick each and every one of them square in the taint.
Quasi-serious question: Are countercountersuits a thing?
Now we dig deeper into the weeds. Would McDavid be better than Gretzky if he played in the era without butterfly goalies equipped in giant armor? Notice I didnt say Crosby, cause fuck that guy
Yah. Geno’s success is not because of his skill at drawing up plays. He is an ace recruiter.
The inherent contradiction in King’s role at MMQB is that everyone acknowledges he has unprecedented access to the inner workings of the NFL...yet he does absolutely nothing of note with it. Does he ever take on anything remotely ground-breaking or controversial? No. He polishes Goodell’s nuts and offers bland…
It’s already begun, and it’s bringing me life.
this is the dumbest thing i’ve read in the last 20 minutes.
No matter how many stars this post ends with, it won’t be enough.
This is like the time me and some buddies were driving down to Buffalo to see a Sabres game. We all met up at my buddy Aidan’s house and we were about to get in the car and, with it clearly in sight, I called Shotgun. Clear rules, right?
“Raymond Perez Jr., is not your average Raiders fan.”
We’re done here. Someone gets the lights.
Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices
How dare this self-made, boot-strapping entrepreneur multi-millionaire (probably billionaire by the end of the decade) mock and disrespect the sanctity and honor of a racist, bigoted decaying sack of Cheetos? He worked hard at being born on third base. Republicans know who’s the real American here!!! Sad!
The only counterpoint worth saying, then, is simple and vulgar: Richard Petty, go fuck yourself.
I don’t know that it’s intended as an escalation, but I think it comes across as one, in that it’s more dramatic and noticeable than kneeling. At the least, it puts us one step closer to just doing away with pregame anthems.
A’s catcher Bruce Maxwell became the first major league ballplayer to join the dozens of NFL pros protesting racial…
Damn LeBron really making hard to keep up my irrational dislike of him.
I’ve always believed that Trump is quite stupid. I’m now beginning to seriously consider the fact that he’s Bat Shit Crazy.
Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.