

Worth noting I think, once a player plays a single game in the MLB, they are covered FOR LIFE under the MLB Medical program.

My strategy as well.

So when I’m camping, a buddy and me like to get the nastiest double deuce we can find for Saturday morning.


One down, one to go.

I have no idea but I really hope that’s true

I mean, Baker Mayfield is the #1 trend on twitter right now.

“He’s still a good 2-3 years away from the backlash”

While Miocic isn’t on DC’s level as a wrestler (obviously almost nobody alive is), he’s still one of the best defensive wrestling heavyweights of all time. Miocic is huge, and strong, and quick, and knows how to wrestle. It’s really f’n hard, even for DC, to take him down.

Yeah DC was playing the grab hand game, open hands grasping at Miocic’s hands trying to grab one, as soon as he would he would pull back and pepper Miocic.

Oh yeah. Hurt me.

Ha! Well if you ever talk to her, tell her thanks for helping my dirt poor ass sorta impress a girl or two.

Yeah I grew up in Toledo, and while it could be so much better, there really are some hidden gems there. All of the things you mentioned qualify. I remember in high school going to the Art Museum on Friday evenings during the summer as a date spot because it was free.

Brass Ass?

I don’t know if Steubenville is big enough to be a town?

Yeah they did a great job with that stadium. Maumee Bay Brewing Company a block away is also awesome.

I’ve lived in every major city in Ohio (go ahead, make your joke).
