

+1 John Elway walks into a bar joke


Me opening the Deadspin page and seeing the first WYTS article:

Eh that depends. You can find whole packers on sale for as little as $1.50 / lb certain times of the year around here. 

In my mind that’s just his pre-game drink before heading out to the bars.

I don’t think there’s a “too far”.

Not really!

Seconded. I don’t know how we got this one right, but somehow we did.

+1 danger zone

I think that’s the rule, yeah.

Makes you wonder who the child is doesn’t it?

Guess how I know you aren’t around children much....

The obvious solution is to make Clint Hurdle the manager of Thailand.

That’s the thing though, they aren’t kids. They’re full grown adults, playing against other full grown adults.

Dray sees the game at a level that few people in Basketball do.

Same pair of announcers who said Derek Dietrich’s grandfather was rolling in his grave for watching his homeruns.

Been teaching for like 17 years now, started keeping a spare pair of underwear and pants in a bag in my filing cabined 2 years in.

A lot of people’s first instinct is going to be “Well he’s playing in Great American Ball Park so of course he’s hitting more home runs” but it’s not the park. He’s absolutely crushing these dongs, most of them landing 25+ rows up in right field. I believe the shortest of the 3 dongs last night was still over 420

I have a video saved on my phone and computer, it’s of us at PT when she’s about a year and a half and taking her first steps.