
Well, they succeeded. It definitely won’t be hitting any targets.

I hate a half working D. Just have to dial the whiskey back a little.

I’m happy the latter is in past tense. There. I said it.

I see that now lol. Very quick fingers there; Mrs. Antilag must like.
Also: Comment + User Name = Excellent.

While you're not wrong, this car is Austrian, not Australian.

Bless your mother fuckin’ heart! Thank you 1,000 times over for not using that “All the MPGs” bullshit.

Reverse: Low hanging fruit?

I’m not sure i’ve ever seen a car that makes me want to do nothing but jump in and drive it; this car hits that mark.... hard. I feel compelled to get behind the wheel and hoon around in my own little brand new NB Miata

Thank you for taking the time to read our questions, Nakamura-san! How much importance does Nissan put on have a sporty, or aggressive, design over competitors such as Honda and Toyota? It is clearly marketing as the sporty offering, especially with Maxima compared to Camry and Accord.

To be frank, Because the door is suicide, the driver would be more than able to pop out the umbrella ella ella before opening Sir's door.

IDrive was debuted on the 2001 745iL. That's 15 years ago, how long must it be the bangle-butt of every joke?

Amazingly, they prefer to invest in the faster transmission to accommodate to the people who actually have the funds to purchase them solely based on paper stats and bragging rights rather than a relative handful entitled enthusiasts, not all of whom would even opt for the 3 pedals.

Just shut up and get an R8.

That's a really weird way to spell Liberty Walk...

Yeah but there are 8 different potential suspects for the reckless endangerment. He’s fine dude...

SN95 mustangs are wholeheartedly disappointing, in every aspect other than maybe sound?

917 making grocery runs?