
Hi friend. My names Joe, I’m born and raised in nj in a little suburb of NYC. I am a life long raiders fan (26 y/o) and am a manager in IT at a Fortune 50 company. Ive earned an MBA as well as many certifications and have never been in a physical altercation with somebody.

That actually worse than this tear-jerker

This is my time to shine and i got nothing.

Traffic in Wyoming? Were all 13 people at the same Walmart?

Shilling your book on everybody's post. Classy.


holy Christ that B2, B1, B52....

I would daily drive that.

Guess this means drifters/autoX’ers/drag racers will be limited to wheels, tires, suspension and brake modifications?

E34 535i is also an M30, from the factory.

wow, ike b. an M30 525? truly a unicorn.

ahhh, ageism at its finest. Baby Boomer? is your boss 29 or something?

I can't believe that was a 10minute scene. Jesus.

classic Daniel Craig. It was right then all doubt was removed.

beat me to it

HAHAHAHAHAHALMFAOOOOOOO. dude. you’re embarrassing yourself. you think I actually want these injectors for some old turbo build? I don’t even have an M30. its OBVIOUSLY a joke. hahahahahaaa haha haa phewww..

Yeah but when will I be able to get these injectors for my M30 turbo build? do I need a separate fuel cell for each propellant? Any tips on running stock fuel pump?

Of course RWD. Why not just throw the electric front motors on from the get-go so us north easterners can have our AWD?

still cant afford any of those.

I’m not sure if you’re a troll or confused, but BMW doesn’t name their engines as Ferrari does. This is an S70/2.