
Why don’t you tell viewers where you are again, Kerry...

Not happy about it? They’re driving out on roads right? Did they think people would JUST RESPECT THE CODE? SMDH Bugatti...

I actually am a huge fan of PMY. It's just Hennessey doesn’t need to be loud. a supercharged truck, speed-record-supercar, and a drop top muscle car are loud enough.

but why the shit did they choose a yellow theme? Like, really? Yellow?

Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ, where TF was the NSFW warning?!

“...the 1997-2004 Pontiac Grand Prix, 2000-04 Chevrolet Impala, 1998-99 Chevrolet Lumina and 1998-2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 1998-99 Oldsmobile Intrigue and 1997-2004 Buick Regal...”

where the .gif cuts is really grinding my gears.


Your friend’s parent’s hand-me-down in high school - fist ticket to freedom is the most fun

Is that a Bagger? Is it the 288? No way would they "abandon" equipment like that at a site, right?

And they still cant simply a goddam menu.

Holy Fuck! 159 MPG?! Kudos, Porsche! Guess the next hypercar wont have to be a hybrid

Fuck that, this is the sound you’d be going for with a small engine/small displacement supercar

Designated Driver - No judgemental cabbies, or bitter Uber drivers, or indebted DD's to buddies.

Everybody has their ideas, speculations, positions, experiences, and preconceived notions; mine just land on Batteries.

I agree with this. Although the point made about the filling stations was meant to convey that it would need subground tanks, hoses pumps, and pay-by-the-gallon (pound?) system. Instead of charging your car like a phone.

Gigafactory, again. Please read entire post.

Hydrogen "refineries" will also have emissions.

The Neutral reads “Hydrogen or Batteries”. Please read entire article before commenting.