
Because they all write the same thing rather than just agreeing with the original thought

because rather than just agreeing with somebody who already posted your unoriginal sentiment, they have to pen it up themselves.

Literally over a dozen of you sheeple are saying the same fucking thing. Got it. Also you're not original. Any of you. I just wish I had the wherewithal to reply to each of you 13 times saying how unoriginal you are over and over.

415 horsepower 6.2L V8:

A response! Yes, interchangeable 22mm bands.

At least its the Sport Edition (SE). Any true raiders fan loves to advertise SPORTZBALL! Yeah! Athletics!

- A l'ing-mfao Raiders Fan

working smartphone integration. I fucking hate 3 year olds and their shitty parents.


By guarding my current stock pile of replacement parts with my life. You can never have too many water pumps in an E34.

The irony here is palpable. You're going down every comment and being an asshole, annoyingly. And it's on the internet! Congrats. shitstain! Hat trick!

I am not a good person, albeit a dares a dare...

I had been drinking.

absolutely not, its a ford.

Got you beat! I got 15.8 once in my 5.0 F-150 4x4 with 3.73 e-locker on a 422mile trip down rt80.

You buy a used one privately, fuck the fix, and enjoy.

ā€œHipster Maniacally Waving Paint-Covered Broom Without Regard For Self Or Others Causing Thousands Of Dollars Of Damage With No Apparent Motiveā€

I gotta say this one is a little selfish... while you or I would love to pick this up... no date ever wants to see this nightmare pull up to their house.

Lol'd so hard when he mashed the e-brake to floor like he was trying to curb stomp it.