
Yes. It’s for realzies!

White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

It would be interesting to tell this to a super SJW person Prius driver.

But...she wasn’t transgender?

There it is. I had to scroll a bit, but I found the Trumpologist trying to twist this back against “the mainstream media.” Well done, sir. You can go to bed satisfied that you’ve done your part to Make America Great, etc. Also, go fuck yourself.

No, the fact various members of leadership in our country were briefed on this story is not up for debate. It isn’t ‘according to Buzzfeed’ that this intelligence exists and is newsworthy, it isn’t according to anyone or anything, actually, as facts don’t need support to maintain existence. Just what can be confirmed

Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?

Because the documents exist and are being circulated amongst our intelligence agencies, executive branch and the gang of 8. In other words, it’s news.

Fuck You. Your gonna be so disappointed in the world on your death bed. All the shit you’re fight against will be the norm in 15 years. And you’ll just be the hateful old person that all the kids on the block are scared of...if you aren’t already.

I wish there was an afterlife, so you’d have to account for your general

Apparently we’re supposed to gain power through apathy about treason?

In this instance there is mountains of evidence already and more to come. When did multiple intelligence agencies think that Obama was not American?  Have good night :)

Dumb bs? trump being blackmailed by the russians to be their puppet is dumb? Get out of here with that crap.

if it’s true that russia has been cultivating donald for five years, i see that as noteworthy and i’d like that to be further investigated. agree to disagree, i guess.



alternate headline:

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How about the arcade classic Zaxxon (Sega, 1982)