
Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

After the Nat Turner rebellion the slave owners made damn sure that the only bible passages the slaves heard were the ones about obedience, submission and how your time in heaven will be awesome once they've used up your life here on earth for their profit.

Good fucking gravy.

Religion gave ​slaves a sense of self worth and a hope for ​salvation in this life and the next

I feel like Amazon Prime has always been an unreal proposition from the get-go. If I want to pony up the 3.99 extra, I can even get things overnight. Their customer service is also, unreal. I’ve NEVER had a bad experience with it. From a customer-facing standpoint, they’re tops. From an employer standpoint, I’m not so

it’s natural to want to defend your country but publicly sanctioned punishment rapes might not be the best hill to die on...

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

Oh, they aren’t responsible, they’re just objects. The brother ruined another family’s property, so now his family’s property should be ruined.

Their brother is responsible. They’re just the objects used to shame him.

I hope you are never burdened with the prosecution of a parent for beating their closeted homosexual child to death.

Because we all know that the Superman comics are really all about ethics in superhero journalism.


I’m not a hunter and I’m not going to drag ethics into this, but man, that sounds sinister.

But she is brainwashed and in a cult.

Geniuses? Can you get a telescope into space?

Why do they think Social Justice Warrior is an insult? It isn't.

Yes because no one should handle difficult subject matter with levity.