
Whole new level of sadism you’re wishing upon yourself

Patreon is a huge funding site that allows people to set up a monthly payment. Tons of artists, podcasters, etc use it. 100% legit.

...I care about PAX....

I’d say he’s talking the talk because he walked the walk.


Because people can survive off grain alone. Ever heard of a good balanced nutrition?

Nope, you did missed his point. “Climate change is fake; it’s snowing outside somewhere.”

You caught my nefarious plot to be io9 famous! Curses, I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t you meddling commenters and your Kinja too!

Food will sure get boring as hell though.

in elementary school, i was a runt. tiny, skinny, and awkward. On top of that we were poor and i didnt have name brand clothes or shoes. One guy, “tim” the cool kid used to constantly pick on me and knock me down and embarrass me. Luckily we went to different middle schools, at which time i hit puberty, and got up to

. . . Building a robot is part of their abilities. Getting good at pressing a button when the screen flashes. That’s a good ability to improve! (sarcasm) Building a robot to do something tedious for you. THAT’S a good ability to have.

Why must I suffer over your species spat over transcribed third hand opinions of our mutual Creator?

What’s hilarious is that people still watch this shit

Second paragraphs aren’t for the weak

Wonder if you will ever have a non-shitty comment to make.

Mad Max is one of the best films of the year, and it’s expertly shot/directed. Don’t like it, fine, it’s not “shitty” by any stretch of the imagination.

...goddammit, I know that’s just a calculated political move but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t warm the rusty, empty and necrotic cockles of my useless, cold heart.

Lee Lo Dallas, Multipass!