
You’re aware that the amount of stock you own in any of your tiny, little retirement investment accounts doesn’t ACTUALLY give you a voice in any shareholder meeting, right?

I stopped playing Blizzard games a while ago. There are plenty of other alternatives made by other companies who, while ALSO not great, don’t appear to be this level of absolute slime.

This is all a good reminder of the origins of this stuff.

This anime is so damn good. I'm looking forward to the movie.

The game is fun, but the gacha system is horribly exploitive. I just can't play it anymore.

Well, that’s pretty much the final straw on that camel’s back. I’m uninstalling, given that I’ve already stopped playing all of their games.

I miss the old days of space dogfighting sims. My absolute favorite was Descent: Freespace 1 and 2. The second game, especially, was absolutely epic.

I have a HUGE number of ships that haven’t been touched since 2016 as well, mostly Battleships and Frigates as I was a support fleet player. Perhaps I should just give the account away to a new player, but every year I have this passing thought that I’m going to log in and start playing again... but never actually do

I don’t see how this could have gone any other way. Schools shouldn’t get to police any aspect of a student’s life when they aren’t at school, short of making threats of hard towards the faculty, staff and other students.

I was fortunate enough to meet Jonathan Frakes at Pensacon a few years ago, in the times before the plague. I can say with confidence that he is an amazing human being who, despite his near-legendary status, is super-friendly and really easy to talk to.

As someone who builds websites, I know it's actually pretty easy to insert code that breaks bots. The retailers just don't care enough to do it. They just want the product to sell, and the inflated prices work in their favor.

Im not sure what you ACTUALLY know about Venezuela other than the bullshit that right wing media has crammed into your tiny skull, but I have family who live there. Not only are they good people, but the nation is not a hellscape. My family works in Telecom, makes a decent living, and has a great gaming computer.

For all of its flaws, Mass Effect has always been one of my favorite video game trilogies. Everything about the story feels perfect; even the (revised) ending doesn’t ruin it for me. After all, the race against the Apocalypse was just an excuse to pull together a flawed but amazing team of absolute badasses and

The problem with Alienware is that their devices are a weird middle ground between perfectly serviceable budget devices that allow you to play games like FF14 and WoW competently and high-end devices that let you run modern games with high graphics settings on beautiful 4K screens. The Alienware devices are simply

I think this may be a little off-base. It’s likely that 19-year-old Ms. Kemper had no idea about the racist origins of the beauty pageant in which she participated, given, you know, that there are a LOT of racist things about America that people don’t realize, especially at that age.

Well, this was deserved. This wasn’t a site for archiving old games that were never again going to see the light of day — which Nintendo goes after just as fervently and I hate them for it — but instead a site for ripping even current-gen games and trying to make money off them.

I have two friends who are roommates and who both got the virus back in September. Neither of them have had their sense of smell return, and they are concerned that it might never recover.

No surprise here. Bartram Trail is located in a very wealthy and very conservative community. It’s the kind of school where girls are still shamed for having sex before marriage (not boys, of course) and the dress code is very restrictive. This is a community that still has “coming out” parties and cotillion dances.

Ohhhhhh boy. I’m sure the comments on this one won’t be full of people telling women how to behave, what to where, or where it’s acceptable to be seen online in a bikini.

Oh no! It’s an attractive woman in a bikini! There’s NO WAY that any advertisers would want her to pitch their products, so we better just nip that in the bud right now!