
It depends on your class. Technomancer can play more like a cover shooter and be successful.

Technomancer Tech Shaman has a similar skill. It’s the capstone (final) skill node, but it’s there.

In general, I find the community in FF14 to be great. Most people are laid-back and patient, and people who quit dungeon runs over a wipe are rare.



Yes! It was for my first playthrough of Icewind Dale. I got about 40 hours in (to a game with a playtime of easily 100+ hours if you aren’t rushing through) and returned four years later and picked it back up again.

10 years in prison and/or a $100k fine seems a little excessive for a crime of this nature; the punishment doesn’t fit the crime at all.

I guess you could possibly detect the mining, but I know that there are ways to cover those tracks as well.

Due to the very nature of cryptocurrency, wouldn’t it be exceptionally difficult to enforce any laws around holding or trading in cryptocurrency without direct monitoring of private internet connections?

Why is the Tesla considered to be camping the passing lane? It had just passed another vehicle and was about to pass two more, including a semi. I can’t think of anyone who would have moved right only to have to move back left less than 30 seconds later, especially at highway speeds. It’s safer to hold your lane, pass

If he hadn’t been a jerk, he wouldn’t be dealing with the consequences of being a jerk.

Okay, I’m not 100% sure how I feel about this.

I would never day trade, and I sure as hell don't think well of the WallStreetBets crowd, but you have to admit that they are doing us all a real service by exposing how much bullshit is involved in the rigged she'll game that is the stock market.



This sounds like premeditated murder. They turned off their body cameras before killing someone. That’s no accident.

Nothing about this feels right.

I really think it’s more a societal norm, largely rooted in religion telling everyone that the human body is bad and sex is immoral.

I’d say that I had a moment of fantasy about punching his smarmy smile off his face. I’d never do it partly because my wife would have been horrified and partly because, like I said, I’m not a violent individual.

Tell me: don’t you find it inducing of irrational anger to insult someone for being in love with their spouse?

That’s fine. The word is overused, rarely used for its actual meaning, and is annoying. Someone recently called me a simp (to my face) for being in love with my wife of 21 years, whom I have been friends with since we were 12 years old. I nearly punched his teeth out, and I’m not an angry or violent individual.