
Are you kidding? That’s NUTS how much she looks like I expect the character to look IRL after seeing her in both CGI movies and the most recent iteration of the game.

All the cops needed to do was say “Hey! Don’t cross against the light! It’s not safe!” and then let the gentleman about his day.

Oh man, I guess Toyota is lying about selling all those Camrys and Corollas.

I get that the citizen had felony arrest warrants. I’ll even allow that the police officers somehow knew that and were trying to confirm his identity.

Let’s get something clear here:

Wow... as a vegetarian, this is one of the very few things I could eat at Taco Bell.

Oh god I’m so old.

I have over 20k kills with my favorite trash-clearing weapon, Graviton Lance.

And SJW is only an insult if you don’t.

“Let others work and take the credit.”

I manage two events in my town: a veg fest every 3 months, and an IT learning day in June.

Is this a joke, or are they serious? I’m old enough to have been playing when Legends was a set actually for sale on store shelves, and I remember looking at Invoke Prejudice and thinking “Who approves this artwork?!”

Does anyone watch this show and not laugh anymore? Without the laugh track or live audience to cue my brain with “You’re supposed to laugh now!”, the painful truths that John Oliver drags out into the light overshadow all of the comedy.

That depends.

It could be worse, right?

I had an incredibly smooth time with the install.

She’s EXACTLY the kind of person who doesn’t vote for Trump because it lets her stay on her high horse without having to deal with the fact that she’s an outright racist.

The replies to your aren’t shallow.

I’m almost positive that this wouldn’t be something that qualified under SLAPP. The site is hate speech — something that would be beyond trivial to prove in court — and while the suit to take down the site may not succeed, I don’t think a SLAPP motion would apply.

That’s not funny.