
“They are trying to steal another election. It’s all rigged out there. These votes must not count. SCAM!”

Marlboros are much worse. There is no other enemy that can literally inflict EVERY SINGLE STATUS DEBUFF IN THE GAME on you at once. Also, it looks like a Lovecraftian horror.

Nobody should listen to a single word any of these people have to say. They are a bunch of cranks and charlatans.

Hate speech isn’t protected by the First Amendment. And that’s what this is: hate speech.

Nice combo ad hominem and strawman attack.

This is such a load of bullshit.

She is a woman who is considered “attractive” based on a set of clearly established standards of beauty, presented (dare I say commodified) in a way that highlights the sexualized elements of her physical body established by generations of misogyny and male sexual dominance, otherwise known as the unfortunate

That’s not a good reason to fire people. My guys have CC’ed my boss (the CEO of the company) on matters where they thought they weren’t being handled properly at the branch level. I may not be happy about it, but I don’t retaliate against my people and I don’t hold grudges because I’m A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL.

Spot-on, shipmate.

This is an example of why I got out of the Navy: the idiots are in charge. I fucking hate everything about the senior leadership. They are unilaterally a group of incompetent morons who have absolutely no idea how to lead an actual fighting force.

Alright, you got me. The small text is hard to read, and it’s an understandable mistake.

The cycling + deathtouch buff is really, really powerful. You can do this at instant speed and take out blockers without losing card advantage.

The Scoundrel has a lot of movement options and more than a few top-half move-and-attack abilities. She also dishes out truly disgusting amounts of damage and can tune her deck to have no -1 or -2 cards, which means you will always do at least baseline damage unless you hit your one critical miss card.

I’m sorry, but I can’t take the mental health implications of being completely isolated in such a manner. I have two friends (another married couple) who I see once a week. Both families are in complete isolation; we are all taking it very seriously. We are even having our groceries delivered because we are fortunate

OnePlus phones all come with screen protectors pre-installed and semi-transparent cases included in the box. If you use the included case you can mostly see the color of the phone.

You don’t know me. I would have seen him as a patient.

Mary has a $21.3M salary.

They could solve that problem by re-investing their wealth into their company or, you know, PAYING THEIR EMPLOYEES MORE.

The executives could give up their salaries — their multi-million dollar salaries — for a few months and almost none of the cuts would be necessary.

Bullshit. They could (and should have been required to) TRY.