
I think it’s less “Evolved” and more “asymmetric PvP bloodbath”.

Whatever is inside of Doomguy’s armor doesn’t look human.

Black Desert, not Blade and Soul.

Wow. We are months away from anything seriously kicking into high gear and we have already given up on getting a decent candidate?

Wow. It was incredibly courageous for her to speak out like that. I don’t know much about the Japanese entertainment industry, but in America if a woman in the industry revealed a “secret” like this it would likely end her career if she wasn’t a big enough name.

The correct answer is to put all meat substitute products in one location so that they are easy to find and browse. The Publix supermarkets in my area do this — all of the Morningstar, Gardein, Beyond Meat, etc. products are located in a single freezer case that is clearly labeled.

You’ve heard wrong.

Hey, that’s just awesome. I’ve been vegan long enough that if you feed me animal products I get very sick — “All evening in the bathroom” sick. I can’t even imagine what would happen to me if I ate an entire hamburger.

You deserve an ungrey just for having The Nameless One as your avatar.

You can romance her, just don’t push her to have sex.

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it. Everything old is new again this year, it seems.

This is a horrible tragedy, and I’ll admit that my opinion on the outcome is split.

This is a good opportunity to remind you that our nation is controlled — both in governance and economically — by sociopathic baby boomers. The Gen X’ers, my own generation, is up next and things aren’t looking much better with them; they learned well the lessons their parents taught them.

The climate kids allege their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property are being violated by a US government that is knowingly promoting the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, which cause dangerous levels of warming, raising sea levels and promoting droughts and storms.

I see that our slow slide to fascism is gaining speed.

It’s not legal and is being challenged in court.

This is quite the old post you replied to; nevertheless:

An organization that spends out of its profits to lobby and advocate for the denial of a group of individuals to be able to enter into a legal and financial binding contract on the basis of their sexual preference is a bigoted organization.

This is pretty much one of my biggest fears every time I take my wife out to eat, given that I’m black and she’s white. To make matters worse, I don’t just live in Florida, I live in Jacksonville.

How about the 99% of other Prius drivers who just, you know, get in their car, turn on the radio, and drive safely and normally to their destination?