
...Yes? A lack of political representation was one of reasons. So was the bunkering of troops in private residences, excessive taxes and levies, and a whole host of other laws that were specific only to the colonies.

Gods, another completely irrelevant example.

What an inane example.

I mean, there are something like four Supreme Court cases that contradict your interpretation. It took me less than two minutes on Google to find them.

By “State” it means foreign governments, not other states in the Union.

One person, one vote.

The question is being asked the wrong way.

What a great little interview. Thanks for investing the time it took (which was significant, I’m sure) to secure and prepare for a phone interview that lasted what seems like 5-10 minutes at most. This is great information for people who want more insight on how or government is handling fiddly little matters like

I can’t help but think that the right answer is to honor the request of the person asking you to write their name the correct way. Whenever someone calls me by my last name or addresses a letter to me by my last name (which happens a lot because I know a lot of Arabic and Japanese people) I gently correct them because

Because their family and friends are there.
Because they work in an industry that has a lot of jobs there.
Because they own a business that really only thrives there.
Because they are different than you and want different things out of life.

I’m certain that Drogon knew exactly what he was doing. The show made a point about dragons being very intelligent creatures, possibly as much as or more than humans. I (want to) believe that Drogon knew that damn chair was the reason his mother had to die; it was an obsession that led to her downfall.

As the legitimate heir to the throne, even if it’s being “voted” on now, Jon always had to either die or go into exile. Someone would have used his claim against the new system in the future, otherwise; Westeros is full of nothing but schemers, after all. Leaving it all behind to live with the Wildlings north of the

My Rogue even had Unarmed capped out.

Christ, he breaks 200KPH at times.

How disappointing. I was hoping that she literally guillotined him.

When I was in grade school (back in the 1980's, before we had running water and electricity) I faced an endless stream of bullying and racism simply for having the audacity to exist. Children whose names I didn’t know and hadn’t ever spoken to would accost me with the most vile torrent of insult — frequently right

Further proof that there is no god:

...I didn’t say anything about any of the topics that you are arguing about.

I am positive that the popular vote outcome means that more people wanted Clinton to be president than trump.

Actually, people did vote for her. She won the general election by millions of votes.