
Well, that’s what I use to mash the avocado. I then made a deep bowl in the middle of the mash, throw all the other ingredients in (including the cilantro and salt), and mix everything with a spoon. I serve the guac directly out of the molcajete.

Don’t forget a small amount of diced red onions, finely chopped garlic, and black pepper. Without those ingredients the guac won’t have any bite to it.

I’m not local, but I drive through that area all the time as I have a friend in Pensacola (I live in Jacksonville).

Thank goodness for satellite radio and my Amazon Prime streaming services.


I’ve hedged my bets: I have a house that about 15 miles away from the beach. I’m expecting to have waterfront property in about 20 years, at which point I’ll sell it to people who have convinced themselves “It can’t get worse!” even as it does.

Uh... I doubt GW2 is going anywhere any time soon. It has a healthy population and even GW1 is still running and has players.

Is there anyone else who just doesn’t care at all about this?

I’m sorry, but the game is over two decades old. The statue of limitations for spoilers is long since expired.

Yep. I said it on the article with the trailer that came out last week: I can’t watch Aerith die in HD. It was hard enough for me when she was blocky polygons and a complete surprise. But now? Knowing not only that it’s going to happen but WHEN it’s going to happen and to such a realistic-looking character model?

I’m using this material in my next Call of Cthulu campaign.

Make no mistake: this is all intentional. The people who take words out of context to perpetrate bad-faith, disingenuous attacks via social media are well aware that their audience only gets their news from right-wing noise machine echo chambers and perform zero fact-checking on the fake news that they read.

The sooner that any and all aspects of health care are no longer for-profit endeavors the faster the better.

The hell it is.

Because it’s not about solving a problem. It’s all about punishing poor people -- so much the better if they are minorities.

Stop charging children for lunch.

Wait... you aren’t supposed to eat on the train?

I mean, nobody should give a fuck what you have parked in your driveway as long as it’s functional and not a safety hazard (both of which are not allowed under the vast majority of city ordinances). Of course, if someone DOES have a vehicle like that it’s a code enforcement issue, not a C&R issue.

Oh for the love of pie just shut up with that bullshit.

specifically those that engaged in the so-called “996” culture, meaning a grueling 9am-to-9pm schedule, six days a week.