
Planeswalkers are the worst addition Magic ever made to the game. They take the focus off the opposing player as the opponent and put it into a game piece. Attacking and defending suddenly becomes about protecting a game piece instead of the players.

I’ve been loving these LH articles on how to be polite in Japanese society. I really, really want to visit there in the near future, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up living there for some period of time in my life.

I am going to reference what is likely one of the oldest continually-running, privately-owned sites on the internet:

The only box he deserves is a pine one.

There is a custom drone builder in my city who 3D-printed a quad-coptor drone with built-in 3D-printed shotgun shell dischargers — two single-fire devices. The ballistics were designed to be expendable, in that they fire their shells and then drop the dischargers while the drone itself returns home. Apparently they

Just the older generations (which, regretfully, includes me and my wife). The kids are alright, I tend to think.

Don’t feel sorry for this woman.

Your leaps of logic would make Superman jealous.

If the LGBTQ community, which is a small subset of the overall human population, can really pull off creating a new species of humans, I’m all for it. I mean, that would be awesome!

You’re pointing at a kangaroo and saying that it’s an apple. I’m trying to tell you that you’re not even standing in the orchard.

Well, I’m really excited for this now. I bet it will be a blast even if it turns out to be imperfect (I think that “fun but imperfect” sums up a lot of Remedy’s games, but I still love them).

Jack-booted thugs aren’t coming for anything.

...That is an adolescent interpretation of freedom.

The Prius Advanced that I own has a mode that turns off all inboard light sources except the heads-up display — including the touchscreen and the gauge cluster. You can put the car on adaptive cruise control, set the dimmer switch to zero, and be completely distraction-free with the exception of a small readout on

My Prius Prime already knows where I am at all times, how fast I’m going, and can, with the flip of a switch, automatically control my speed and the distance to other vehicles around me. It will even maneuver to keep me out of the blind spots of other cars on the highway by altering speed as necessary. The car is a

This is a ludicrous application of that statement, which was meant to address public policy that allows the government to monitor citizens. No logical interpretation would extent that to slapping a breathalyzer on the ignition of a car owned by someone who has been convicted of drunk driving.

Seat belt laws have dramatically reduced accident fatalities. This is a very small ask of the government for the use of public roads.

Healthcare and the airline industry are two completely different things. One is a...

It may be all very tiring, but part of the experience of being black is not being able to afford the actual state of “tired”.

Not just the Dark Zone but the whole world of Division 2 feels positively festive compared to the world of Division 1.