
If you have $5.5 million in assets you are wealthy. That’s not just working in a wealthy sector — that’s literally in the top 5% of Americans and top 1% of the world.

I’ve watched many of Ms. Perez’s streams and I just can’t grasp how anyone could complain about her. She’s clearly loves her job and is absolutely amazing at it. She has a deep understanding of the game that keeps people like me — who enjoy watching fighting games but don’t actually play them — in pace with the action

What an idiot. This guy represents the 0.01% and nobody else.

You know, I could live (angrily) with this bullshit as long as we got the information going forward.

It means the number of replies and retweets greatly outstrip the number of likes.

Estate taxes exist to ensure that wealth doesn’t stagnate for multiple generations. There is still plenty of room in the tax code to pass down truly eye-popping amounts to your children.

There has never, ever been a first demo or launch of an online multiplayer game that didn’t have serious issues, which is why I didn’t bother with it. Maybe things will be better during the public demo this coming weekend, but even if it isn’t I won’t judge the game on that.

“When I hear people espousing free government-paid college, free government-paid health care and a free government job for everyone—on top of a $21 trillion debt—the question is, how are we paying for all this and not bankrupting the country?”

Well, the immigrants at the border seeking asylum is a pretty big national emergency as well. Those people literally walked thousands of miles in a desperate bid for help, and we’ve taken to making things worse for them. We need to handle both situations at once, but I’m confident that we could do both if we wanted to

“In a statement, the union pointed out that HuffPost’s parent company, Verizon, was making the cuts despite receiving a massive tax break from the Trump administration...”

Initial demos are ALWAYS like this, which is why I’m not bothering. It’s as much a stress test and anything else.

How are they going to read and evaluate 68k letters? Are they hiring a team of people?

My sister-in-law, who is a nurse, and my brother-in-law, who is a surgeon, are visiting this weekend. I proposed your question to them and to my wife, who has a Master’s degree in Public Health.

The better question would be “Where would they find the contractors?”

Sarcasm? Or are you actually hoping that America becomes a military dictatorship?

Because some of us (me) own businesses that have clients who expect us to show up in person for the launch meeting of an $8 million project, but the headquarters is in Oregon and I live in Florida.

I played Overwatch for quite some time. My favorite characters were Tracer and Reaper.

Oh great. I’m one of the people who accessed it, mostly because someone else I knew had the link and I was curious.

Huh. I didn’t have that issue, and I was playing on PC.

People tailgate the shit out of my Prius.