
So, some pointed feedback on Anthem:

It doesn’t play at all like Destiny.

What? I never said anything of the sort. I said that they weren’t presumed because they were still quite unusual — especially in the deep South where my wife and I grew up.

The people making $10 million or more annually will be fine, I think.

I’ve witnessed this first-hand on account of my beautiful wife.

As a company owner, she’s absolutely correct.

1. Make lobbying illegal.
2. Campaign finance reform.
3. Better oversight of government spending on the military-industrial complex.

Yeah, that’s what’s going to happen. These ultra-wealthy are just going to close up shop and leave everything that earns them their ultra-wealth because they are upset at the tax rate.

Okay, that makes more sense now.


Ho boy. There a lot to digest there, and much of it is only half correct, leading me to believe that you are getting your information from opinions as opposed to direct experience or research.

Sure kid. Given your “opinion” I’ll support your statement about you having 1/2 a brain.

15% is the norm. Many people pay 20% because they know how terrible the pay is for being a server... and how many assholes they have to put up with on a daily basis, many of which undertip.

Everyone drink!

As someone who worked as the Director of Operations at a non-profit University, I’d like for you to know that the vast majority of the University administration and faculty get paid beans.

Stop making online CCGs. They don’t do well anymore. Too many people realize how expensive they are and the game ends up with only whales and extremely good players actually playing it.

That’s absolutely backwards logic.

The problem is that this women has the gall to take her seat in Congress and immediately start working on the initiatives that she promised to work on.

The services I provide as a project manager and a technology consultant are not used by every single citizen at some point in their life, even if only at death or birth.