
Fuck these assholes. I grew up facing incredible racism as a racially-confusing, brown-skinned man. Both as a child and a college student, the anger and vitriol I endured simply for existing was completely beyond the pale. Peers whom I didn’t know well or rarely interacted with would go out of their way to confront me

You don’t have to ask everyone. Laws change all the time. Nations do what is best for their society even when large portions of that society disagree. It just takes a majority to make the decision.

Stop selling guns and ammunition. The problem won’t go away overnight, but it will certainly start getting better.

He meant America.

Sir, do you know how fast you were typing when you broke Poe’s Law back there?

Damn that looks incredible. I love the new movement options, like the short-ranged dash and the grappling hook. I’m never going to be amazing at this game, but I can’t wait to see some pro gamer with insane skills go through entire levels barely touching the ground.

It’s monumentally difficult to summon any sympathy for this family who is being ripped apart by the President that they voted for.

The main attraction for me is that it completely kills the market for singles. I used to love playing Magic, but it’s so damn expensive now. I actually had someone tell me recently that I can build a perfectly serviceable, tournament-ready deck for a mere $120. One Hundred and Twenty Dollars is reasonable now!

This sounds... Amazing.

Yep. The video purged me of any desire to play WoW anymore.

You’re clueless.


I demand that my employees track their time to the minute when they are working on hourly-rate contracts. I pay my people for their time, because I hire people whose time is powerful and therefore valuable.

I own my own company, and am proud to say that it’s really taken off this year. We specialize in project management and technology consulting — high-level professional work.

Hey, I’ve led you to the water. Do your own damn drinking and check out how far away nations like, you know, Canada managed to pull off basic public services like fully-funded public school and universal healthcare.

Yikes, Katherine... That’s children you’re putting on blast there. One is literally a 15-year old child — full name and all — in your article. The others may be legal adults, but let’s be honest there: we were all still stupid children at the age of 18 (and probably even the age of 25).

Yeah. Because other countries haven’t provided the exact same services for their populations.

Yeah, that’s Tomi chick gets by entirely on #4 and wingnuttery.

Is that it?

At a minimum, they generally need to have attended a college of some pedigree. This isn’t as true for the men of the party, who frequently come from humble beginnings.