
This is literally my favorite form of foreplay.

Huh. Turns out I’m not straight.

Well OF COURSE he didn’t this. I mean, it’s okay to see confirmation, but yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind that this is EXACTLY what he was like when he was younger.

1. Have you ever worked with rape victims? Nobody “moves on”; they just cope.

Do you think that termination of a pregnancy eliminates the trauma of rape? The victim will live with that horror every day of their life.

That’s some tortured logic you have there.

“Abortion is currently only legal in Argentina in cases where the mother’s health is endangered, or in the case of a pregnancy resulting from rape.”

Yes, I lock my door.

There’s that dim view of civilization again, eh?

Nailed it.

Well, it took a long time for you to make your agenda clear. You ARE the nationalistic jingoist.

The Israel genie can’t be put back in the bottle. The mistake of returning land “stolen” 2000 years ago was one that should have never been made. When you consider the “why” and the “how” of nations being created, altered, and destroyed 2000 years ago you end up with a very dim view of the early days of civilization.

Oh. Come. ON!

I’ve totally lost your point now. I can answer your final question, though:

Israel was a mistake.

What the fuck is wrong with the EU? First GDPR’s terrible, low-down, good-for-nothing, horrible implementation and now this? Do they WANT software companies to pull out of their market entirely and require their citizens to by non-localized versions of their products?

I don’t have a marketing department. I don’t need one. For two years I have found all of my business via direct referral or in-person meetings at professional and community events. The business has grown carefully and intentionally — by me and my trusted employees directly interacting with prospective clients that we

You are leveraging the action-packed prequels, which were arguably terrible and portrayed the Jedi order as a bunch of incompetent adventure-seekers.

Just remember that the only constant is change, and things stay the same right up until the point that they don’t.

Coal coke ash is terrifying stuff, and very difficult to dispose of properly. It’s an “end product”, which means that there’s no way to really break it down further. It can be used in some manufacturing (such as asphalt), but it has to be purified of its heavy metals first or they can leech into the soil and water