
Let’s not mistake America for a bloated corpse yet.

This is a fantastic long-form. It is easily some of the best research and writing that I’ve seen in months, with the last best example coming from this very site.

Birthright citizen here. My parents are immigrants from a Caribbean nation, and I was born on an Army base in Georgia before my parents actually became American citizens about a year after my birth.

There’s no way Liberman is still alive. He’s undead, right?

I’m utterly baffled by this.

Put him.

Well... yes. Essentially you called their baby ugly, and when you are putting a expensive (in terms of both money AND time) creative endeavor out into the world for judgment, such as releasing a video game, negativity from someone outside the project can really sting. Also, creative people, understandably, frequently

LOVED the Sister of Battle. Great to see some Warhammer cosplay!


He is not required to unlock the phone.

TB could be rather nasty to dev shops and individuals.

I don’t see why simply engaging with Price was a problem. I believe that Price acted in an oversensitive manner when he noted that he took issue with some aspect of her work.

Oh gee. How surprising. Who could have possibly thought that firing a female developer over a Twitter spat would embolden the ravening hordes. How could we have predicted this. I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

Here you go, Piers, you shitty, shitty excuse for a talking head:

I get you. I see things differently, perhaps due to some tragedy I encountered while in the Navy:

Nothing at all wrong with your style. If you don’t like dice rolling much look into the Gumshoe system, of which Night’s Black Agents is one of my favorite. In summary: everyone is a burned (cover blown, disavowed) secret agent from any country on the planet who falls into a global conspiracy run by vampires, only the

I wish you the best of luck! Making a video game is a grueling and often heartbreaking affair. It’s difficult to gain traction in this very noisy modern market, even with a great game.

The district she’s in votes 80% Democrat.

That’s a risk I’m willing and excited to take.