
That was my first thought, but then I soon started to worry about head crabs.

Then they remove the id of your chip from the list of allowed persons and it doesn’t open doors anymore. This thing is no different than typing in a keycode, it’s just a more convoluted way to do it.

This was exactly my issue with it. The author was lazy.

There are so many other gf ice creams that are better. If you can handle goat milk, LaLoo’s makes a deep chocolate that will ruin you for other ice cream.

He can’t speak. They have no idea until they see how he reacts to her visits.

Kids don’t care. They play with anyone. It will take about 10 minutes and everything will be fine.

Pretty sure the 3rd one in the top picture is just someone’s underwear.

I always chuckle, even if someone tries to piss on it with snopes.

Just because a car is imported doesn’t mean it doesn’t have to follow the safety and emissions standards.

Where’s the part about whether or not you want to become an organ donor?

So, the billing algorithm in the machine gives you whatever you want if it can’t talk to the server? Hahahahaha.

Lots of phones have this functionality.

If you look in the dictionary under Apple fanboi, guess whose picture shows up.

Since my first comment.

It’s a racist troll account.

I have plenty of IKEA stuff, but I also have solid wood furniture that is over a hundred years old. There is a significant difference between quality furniture and IKEA. The solid furniture will likely outlast me. The IKEA furniture will likely not survive into my children’s adolescence. It’s functional and

I missed the word ‘with’. In that case, you might very well need to bring your A game.

Heh. I didn’t care about being the asshole. I told them exactly what I thought about their stuff. I never got called back.

All gone.

All gone.

I had no idea that jean jackets left the ‘80s. I too have no idea what is going on in the article.