
Seriously. Is it not load balanced? Pretty sure terminating ssl at the lb would be better.

Don’t take ice from that planet.

I guess the name Zerg was already taken.

When did they start making frozen yogurt that was delicious?

When did they start making frozen yogurt that was delicious?

Pretty sure they’ll crash the same, no matter what’s powering them.

People don’t do well in an all helium environment. We’d all die a slow, funny voiced death.

I feel the same way. They keep breaking things that I use, and adding crap that I don’t.

I did a similar, although not quite as scientific test with a dell Inspiron and a MacbookPro. Both had the same processor, memory, and similar hard disks. The Mac had a better video card.

Forget the crazy ones. You can rent a decent sized truck for ~$50 a day, and I would assume unlimited mileage. That’s a much better deal than enterprise or uhaul if you want to move something large.

That’s what I was thinking too, but it appears that VLGI and his stupid laws of physics screwed that all up.

The rest of the thread is junk, but puns are life.

My dad keeps pulling for the Vette too. By the time I can afford that, he’s gonna be too old to drive it.

I forgot my password and yahoo groups keeps sending me junk but I can’t unsubscribe. Do you think the hackers would give me my password?

I remember an experiment someone did where the participants wore glasses that inverted the image they were seeing. Eventually the participants brains compensated, and then when they took the glasses off, everything was upside down again.

Sound like VR isn’t ready.

It is climate change, or rather, the tornados are part of the changing climate. The question is whether or not it is the warming that is causing them or something else.

Bilge water doesn’t contain human waste, unless maybe the crew is peeing on the engine room floor. Bilge water is literally water that collects in the bilge. It is usually full of fuel oil and other junk that comes off of the engines and other mechanical things.

Shipping, restocking, and not being able to resell it as new probably make it difficult to justify anything else. I wonder what the breaking point would be. Would their answer be the same if they sent you something worth like $2k.