
I suppose for most people they would be towing the same thing over and over so it really only has to work once and then you can just park in the same spot.

New Orleans is generally prepared for hurricanes. I lived there for 20 years and spent many nights in shitty hotels along the freeway as we ran from them. The reason Katrina was such as disaster is that it wasn’t the hurricane that flooded the city. Katrina was minor, and mostly done when it hit the city. The problem

How do I tag Jason Torchensky? This is definitely a will it baby sort of thing.

PT Barnum has the explanation

I hear pinwheels are on sale at Toys-R-Us

Yeah, that’s pretty much my take as well.

This skateboard is both. Bulletproof glass is different types of glass layered with plastic.

This looks like fun. I’d fall off, but it’d be fun anyway.

Driver skill!?! Damnit. I can’t find that anywhere in the JC Whitney catalog.

The whole thing is her way or shame. I won’t address your poor choices of comparison.

If she was just saying that it was for her, then fine, but she’s not. Read her essay. It’s pretty awful.

Not with that attitude it won’t.

“makes it really hard for people to take bad photos”

I used to love going home. Haven’t been in a few years.

Fortunately you’ve made comments on the internet, so you have permission to criticize them. ;)

You just need more of them. I walk my 6 yr old to school each morning, but it’s just because it’s the only time I get to spend with him when his 2 younger siblings aren’t around. I am confident that I could tell him bye at the front door of the house and he’d be fine. I didn’t used to be that calm, but I relaxed a lot

It’s not on Netflix. Fortunately it’s free on Prime.

I searched Netflix and Prime to find it. Now to find time to watch it when the kids aren’t around. Thanks for the comment.

This movie looks great. Now I wish I hadn’t seen this video.

I think that if they got a different producer and used a handheld mic it would be a lot better. The mix is a mess and you can tell she’s holding back because she’s having to stand still in front of the mic.