Sorry, I was imprecise with my use of pronouns. The “she” I was referring to is Harris, not Warren.
Sorry, I was imprecise with my use of pronouns. The “she” I was referring to is Harris, not Warren.
Here’s your answer:
The top five is exactly the same as this White Guy’s power rankings. I’m very much not a fan of some of the things Harris did as AG, and ideologically, I think I’m closer to Warren, but Harris is the smartest person in the field, and she’d be the president most able to get shit done around the obstructionist nihilists…
I prefer Mexico. That way, if you get your way, there’ll be a big goddamn wall keeping you away from me.
[removed; someone else made the same point, only better]
My money’s on “Found Out Pence’s Audience Would Include {Insert Unfavorable Group Here}”. Either that, or he had a bad dream which he interpreted as a warning from his god.
As someone who needs a nap after enduring a 26.2 mile car ride, I guess I commend you.
Actually, it's probably a good thing that the Wizards remain a profoundly dismal shitfire; if they were something resembling competent, Burneko's tenuous grip on reality might slip away entirely after the Raptors' championship threw him for an existential loop.
Should cars respect bike lanes? You bet. Is it a horrific tragedy any time a cyclist is killed? Absolutely. But should cyclists obey traffic laws? That'd be nice, too.
This is my favorite gif ever today.
How fucking terrible are the Knicks if “looking like cheap idiots” is their preferred narrative?
For Republicans, there isn’t a tipping point, because their craven lust of the continued consolidation of their oligarchy is unmatched. For "moderate" Democrats, there also is no tipping point, because their desperate efforts to appear to work in good faith towards "bipartisanship" supercede everything else. For…
All the talk of mediocre white guys in the past few years has made me realize how much less than mediocre I am.
Could be worse. Could be Russo.
Usually on a Dave McKenna piece, I’ll write “Dan Snyder fucks horses” in a goofy attempt to get that particular phrase into the search engines. But for this one, let me pull that trick with the utmost earnestness: Pete Philo raped kids. Pete Philo raped kids. Pete Philo raped kids.
Oh, the Republic died a long time ago. This is just another shovel of dirt on the coffin.
Crazy-ass idea: put the team where people want to see baseball.
This whole thread makes me giggle. Well done, all.
Do you actually think that you won’t be able to find a job? The name on your paycheck may change, but the work will still need to be done. Unless your job is directly tied to maximizing the profit of your employer, the administration of healthcare will still be a thing.
Shame Castro's from Texas, as I have a "never another Texan" rule (cf. Bush, LBJ), or he might have my vote.