There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.
There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.
Maybe she backed something else up 😮
I own the same Jeep so I know what’s true.
I am making the quite likely unwise decision to comment before I click through to the original article, because I didn’t see any mention on the bride’s part that she’s sent a heartfelt thank you letter to her bridesmaid for being part of her wedding party.
I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.
A Jet Ski is a Kawasaki product, the name’s been kind of appropriated to include all watercraft. Like calling a generic tissue “Kleenex.”
Just a shot in the dark, but I would guess this is why they don’t expect you to buy a new car.
I live in Maine and have actually been to this diner. I think the important thing to know about Marcy’s is that it really is a hole-in-the-wall. There are maybe 5 tables and one counter that might seat a dozen. It is tiny and cramped and hot (because the griddle is 3 feet from the counter), but the food is delicious…
Except for my car which is cool in every way.
Backing in is the correct thing to do. It actually takes up less of everyone’s time and it’s safer. The more you know...
Backing in to a spot is safer. Period. End of Discussion.
It’s easier to park a giant ass truck in a tight spot by backing in. I suppose that goes for a car and a really tight spot as well.
Valets have to park the car backwards. To allow them to get out quickly and to avoid unseen collisions of the idiots who speed down the parking lot.
The idiot should have done what I do. I park out in BFE where none of the car slamming fatass waddlers want to park as they’ll get a heart attack trying to get into the store from the outer reaches, search for an end spot, and hug THAT line, while still staying within the markers. No door dings, and nobody gives a…
JMC Trucks, Semi-Professional Grade
Those brakes, though....
It looks pretty clear on the video. But we don’t know how this pursuit began. They may have only seen a brief blur of a Challenger screaming by at triple digit speeds. That's not enough time to see the lack of a stripe, or the wheels, or the different style spoiler. Clearly they didn’t get the plate, or they wouldn’t…
But it is nimble, with high grip levels and great visibility. To most people its thin window pillars and frail styling make it look unsafe. As you can see from this video, car safety isn't just about how well a vehicle deforms when it hits something. It's also about preventing crashes from happening altogether.