
Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”

Yay! Let’s take phrases that most people use in a completely innocuous way, drag their racist origins out of obscurity, dust ‘em off, and teach them to everyone so that people can be offended by them again!

Look, kid, I am like forty years old and I played Metroid in 1987 so I know where the word comes from!!! lol

You can feel however you want, but the problem is these people feel their personal discomfort should dictate policy and other people’s lives. Why does the right never understand that? Look, you want to hate on gay people? Fine. But you don’t take public money and fund unproven and harmful psychological practices to

That looked like a much less interesting version of a Dissida battle.

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Ah, No Man’s Sky, such natural beauty. All we need here is some David Attenborough commentary and we’re set.

And that, boys and girls, is how Patricia's inbox got flooded with dickpics.

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In a similar vein, it almost makes me think of this:


A game based off the 80’s transformers cartoon is released. And it was amazing.

We didn’t make any change because of external influences,” he says. “Those changes came up internally. We decided to remove that because we want the biggest possible number of people to play, and we don’t want to have something in the game that might make someone uncomfortable.”

“Let me try putting it this way: Walling off parts of a game until a player has completed other portions of it is a form of digital rights management. And you hate DRM, don’t you?”

Despite his death, it’s great to see gamers worldwide pay their respects. Not often folks are united in gaming...


Looks like the Elric boys are going at it again...

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You’re trapped in time. The same day won’t stop repeating itself, even if you ask it really nicely or, you know, die. You have absolute freedom. What do you do?

I seriously don’t understand how Jason can possibly think Xenoblade’s characters and story are bad, and then somehow like The Last Story. It’s really the complete opposite. I found Xenoblade to have the best cast and story of any JRPG in probably the last 10+ years. Just utterly fantastic. Whereas The Last Story’s