Konami patching this out in 3... 2... 1...
Konami patching this out in 3... 2... 1...
It’s MGS spoilers, since this radio broadcast is played at the start of P.T. so it doesn’t spoil anything. Heck, even as an MGS spoiler it doesn’t really give away much, but the tag is appreciated anyway.
Oh dear, a GAF meme on Kotaku?
This won’t end well...
I think they kind of stopped doing that in recent games?
They had a period where it was in EVERY single game and it was annoying as fuck, but I think they’ve more or less stopped doing it, or at least greatly toned it down.
At first it looked to me like Peach was swinging a huge pink dildo at Zelda.
I’ve been watching too many Jim Sterling videos
I went from not giving a shit about this game to being INSANELY excited about it, all because of loads of Youtube videos.
I guess Nintendo finally caught on to the fact that their marketing sucks so they might as well have other people do it for them.
“Everyone is either some kind of snake or some kind of boss.”
This got a good laugh out of me.
It’s funny because IT’S TRUE
It’s a damn good song, for sure, but it’s not even Shimomura’s best (she fucking ROCKS at boss themes btw)
Wow, so basically you HAVE to play as female MC to see all of the different offspring quests?
Because you’re the one who started slinging around accusations that I was lying purely based on the fact that I didn’t like the game. Don’t pin this bullshit on me.
Anyway, yeah, lots of people like it, good for them. I thought it was shit, and I thought The Evil Within was fantastic, so obviously we do not see eye to…
So because some people lie, no one can be trusted?
That’s a very sad and paranoid attitude to life.
So what you’re saying is anyone who disagrees with you has obviously not played the game?
Do you want me to send you a screenshot of my Throphy List?
I most certainly have. I do not regurgitate other people’s opinions unless I explicitly state that I have it from hearsay.
I played through the entire campaign in January of this year and absolutely despised it. It’s a bad, bad shooter, but it looks gorgeous.
Shadow Fall was free on Japanese PS+ a while ago, so that certainly doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility.
Free to vomit uncontrollably, by the looks of it
It’s so sad that it takes the death of a great man to bring us all together...
I kind of agree on the pictures thing, that just seems inappropriate to me, but there’s nothing wrong with fans showing up (provided his family okay-ed it) for the funeral of a person they admired. Happens all the time.
Besides, he was the effing president of effing Nintendo, I’d say a significant portion of those…
Surprised to see Spirited Away that “low” on the list. Would’ve expected it in the top 5, if not 3, at least.
EXACTLY what I was thinking.
They have that for Japan, and it’s already completely sold out everywhere and selling for insane prices on Amazon, despite the fact that the game isn’t even out yet.