
Scot Gregor? I thought you had to be from North America to vote!

I think the preferred nomenclature is "Ian African-American"

The league announced that he'll be suspended for one game. From a telephone wire.

I remember when he was chasing Dan Marino's record, there was a crowd shot of an Indy fan holding up a sign saying "MOVE OVER MARINO". I know that's incredibly tame as signs go, but it's so dismissive. The guy has the record for that long and you're telling him to get out of the way?

The Good News for him, is that Skyline Chili is a liquid.

Plus his brother was in 311.


I absolutely 100% refused to believe that is a true story.

True story: while in the Minneapolis airport in early October, I stopped in a sports memorabilia shop to see if I could find a U of Minnesota hat or something for a gag gift. I did not find what I was looking for.

That's J.Z.? I mean, I know I haven't been keeping up with current music, but he really let himself go since The Blueprint.

These fans are notorious for providing a cool reception to
Visiting AND home teams!

Add salt to your ice-water bath. It lowers the freezing point. Similar to using rock salt when you make ice cream. It might work, it might not work. But I have always been told to add salt to the water. I have a small house and small fridge. I can get a warm six pack ice cold in less than an hour.

Admittedly i did not read the full article and I'm not sure if either of these methods were tried, but i use 2 methods that work pretty quick and pretty well.

Ya, this is stuff you learn in high school. Room temperature beer will be cold in nine minutes in a cooler full of ice water...even less if you add salt. Waste of time and beer (thank god he used shit like coors light and heineken)

Use salt water. It will cool faster and can reach temps below the ice...

Or just drink better beer. The kind that doesn't have to be so cold that all its flavor has gone away just so you can tolerate it.

Dude, Icewater is good, but try adding some salt next time.. i bet you cut your cooling down in half

If you had used salt, you'd have it ice cold in six minutes.