we are talking about fire here, I don't get that.
we are talking about fire here, I don't get that.
Even worse, he got barbeque sauce all over the couch.
Is it the 3rd weekend of January already?
HAHAHA! Look at that get-up! He looks just like when one of the bench coaches has to go take warm-up pitches because the catcher made the final out of the inning. That's rich.
There is some good news. Large sections of the Saddledome have been preserved by remnants of Lanny MacDonald's beard.
I like your're solution to confusion over "your" vs. "you're".
Flying into Jacksonville because it's $300 cheaper than flying into Savannah tax.
I worked in the kitchen. But I always kept hearing about what horrible tippers the Canadians were. These guys were there to watch hockey. Obviously they are the Canadians we've all been hearing about for years.
No Idea Bar?
You have an extra ticket for a big game/concert. You want $125 for it. Your buddy who got laid off 3 months ago and has a pregnant wife and two kids says he will buy the ticket from you. Do you sell it to him?
Typical Canadians.
Do you mean "actually killed" as in "pulled the trigger" or as in "drove the car and watched it happen"?
We're still struck by how fully fans embraced Ramirez, even if they initially couldn't tell him from another dreadlocked Dominican ballplayer.
C'mon. The advertisements on this page are just out of control now. Seriously guys. You have a whole story about LeBron James playing without a headband. But every picture in the story is an advertisement for the Knob Creek Distillery Tour with Michael Symon.
"TV is like professional wrestling—you need to have good moves, but you also have to sell everyone else's moves. You're going to suck on TV if the other guys don't sell you. And whenever I make eye contact with Wilbon to sell a move, our signals get crossed!"