
It looks about 500% less terrible than the previous one.

People who hang out hoping to video a crash are low life bottom feeders.  Also, I watch all their crash videos.

There is some debate as to when the first ever motorcycle race was held.

For sure. This is still sane compared to things like snowmobile water racing, and frikkin street luge.   

So it drew a dick, then got stuck in the mouth of the Suez and there aren’t enough seamen with enough thrust to push it out. And the longer it’s in there, the more screwed we are...

The original is by far the best looking.

Meanwhile, in the Jalopnik comments section:

A little background from someone who has been getting too into chess Youtube:
Bongcloud is basically a really bad move that Hikaru uses as white to force black to take the initiative, and then he will attempt to defend and hope that black makes a mistake he can punish.

Star Citizen...Let me tell you what the real issue is with Star Cit-

Over the past 40 or so years, our country has deferred maintenance on the road system because taxes bad, gas must be cheap and freedom. We’ve also systematically cut almost all the strings to our safety nets, deregulated everything we could get away with and what we’ve ended up with is a world where honestly, Trucks

Starred for “leprechaun repellant”.

if they can sell it with a markup then they would be losing money if they sold it without the market adjustment. 

So she spent multiple videos churning up likes, unnecessarily documenting every step or random thought she had, only to finally reveal - a pretty average looking basement. And as was pointed out, it contains her fuse box and water heater - things she really should have looked at before purchasing the house - and both

they knew what they had

Yeah, the new gen is way better than the previous gen, those bloated a bit too much.

Pshaw! Real steel FTW!

Real Kids Ride

Yet another vehicle ruined by way too much sidewall and way too little tire. When will this epidemic of rubber band-esque tires finally end??

Tires that big on a Forester lmao, that poor transmission.  I will never understand why people do this.  Just buy a 4Runner/Xterra/Jeep and be done with it.

I believe you’re thinking of one prime minister of Spain under Franco, admiral Luis Carrero Blanco. 80 kilos/180 pounds of explosive threw his Dodge Dart over a five-floor building and onto a second-floor terrace on the other side.