
So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

Why am I thinking Gwyneth Paltrow had something to do with this?

I'm really angry that someone thought it was okay to hack these women. I also hope they come and say "i look hot in these photos and yeah it sucks but shit happens" because women are always taught that our bodies are private when there is nothing more beautiful than the human form.

It's unfortunate because Michael Sam is attempting to become the first openly gay player in the NFL, something of enormous symbolic importance, and while no one wants him to be judged by anything but his merits as a football player, many sports fans were and are rooting for him to succeed.

Thanks for the permission, officer.

First, a transvestite isn't the same thing as a transsexual. Second, it was a joke.

That logo is very 1990's to me. Or perhaps, "cafe within local grocery store" signish to me.

You get used to seeing ppl masturbate in public??? Where do you live dude?

Good on him.

Is it wrong that the character I enjoy most in these films and can't wait to see again is Effie? I feel Banks really killed this role and I can't wait to see her evolution in Mockingjay.

Several times a week? I am calling BULLSHIT on that. I am sure all those Tuesday weddings are keeping the chickens up.

This is so stupid. +1

Waiting for mustachioed newcomer Werdna Elddib to take the boat racing scene by storm.

My favorite part of the Broadway show is the quick transformation of Cinderella into her ballgown. It's magic!

My impression of this article

This is what happens when people become too invested in a show they watched twenty years ago.

Google Image search needs to have a warning process for shit like that. You click search and if the results are completely disgusting, a message pops up that says "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS ONE? BECAUSE THERE IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT HERE." And then you can decide if you want to proceed.

Seriously—laughing at the idea that Jezebel writers are OK to speak on this topic, but Mark Ruffalo or Kerry Washington or John Cusack isn't.

I knew a girl in grad school who was married, and one night she told me that when she met her future husband, he lived in a two story house and spent most of his time downstairs, but the only bathroom was upstairs.