If the video is really related to what transpired according to the TMZ story, then she appears to be taking it in a fairly well-adjusted way and has normal-seeming people around her (all gleaned from a few-seconds-long vine video). Good for her!
If the video is really related to what transpired according to the TMZ story, then she appears to be taking it in a fairly well-adjusted way and has normal-seeming people around her (all gleaned from a few-seconds-long vine video). Good for her!
a lot of commenters here seem to think she should have been eager to 1) inject her commentary on a situation that was changing minute by minute and was, thanks to the media and the local government, a terrible circus; 2) distract attention from what protestors and the Brown family doing in Missouri; 3) stake out a…
I think the management standards at panera have declined a ton over the past decade. Many are just gross—the food is bad and they're often dirty. Also, as a wifi hub, how have managers not been trained to properly address issues caused by customers who are there for other reasons than eating? Even if every panera…
To me it was clear that she was demonstrating that she looks stupid when she's trying to be something she's not...I think she might have a sense of humor about who she is as a performer, and a lot of people criticizing this here do not.
Yeah I thought it was pretty clear that the joke was that she's a terrible dancer and could really only shake around at the end with a bunch of other normal people while she got schooled by the actual talented dancers.
I saw that too when I did a google news search right after I heard. I was like, uhmmmmm why?
this is one of the best movie marketing campaigns I think I've ever seen. Super cool
I'm imagining an 1880s version of Jezebel feverishly debating the use of cameras to take wedding pictures.
What's in her hand in the insta pic?
Last paragraph takes a lot of liberties in terms of assumptions, which just build on each other.
There may be money on a table somewhere, but for mass retailers, I doubt it's here. Anecdotally, if you look at almost any men's clothing retailer, the pants sizes are mostly in the 32-38 waste range and there are always bountiful larges and xl-sized shirts, but getting smaller sizes often feels like a hunt. I'm…
a law writer/or expert reference who knows what she's talking about (ie, not a law student (sorry law students, but you don't) and not someone who ignores how the legal system works IRL to just assert how she thinks things should be).
I complety agree. Just thinking about her schedule exhausts me, and I work 60-80 hr weeks.
Uhm...I recall a whole Jez post a few days ago blasting Science magazine for an objectifying trans women on its cover, which also had to do with the topic of HIV transmission among sex workers. People were losing their shit over it.
That's a really fair and balanced summary of her career. Great job.
Isha Aran is always breaking new ground on things to complain about, but I don't really understand why anybody would hate trailer teasers...
Wait that makes too much sense, stop it
Nothing will ever beat this
Id guess the reason is to avoid as much as possible errant insertions of vagina and penis into quick texts to bosses, babysitters, friends, mothers, etc. I think it's less anti-genitalia and more helping to avoid "OMG that is not what I meant" follow-up texts.
sawyer has been visibly either drunk or high the past two election night broadcasts. I think she'll be back though for the next one—the networks always have all their news stars on for those nights.