
I thought Scientologists had all their raw emotions in check? Yes, I think it was a cheap shot and Rock has struck at both of them before in previous comments so maybe it was a The Last Straw scenario... But hitting someone? He could have yelled at him just like he did after the hit and still make his point in an

Absolutely. It was a joke in terrible taste. But… you can’t hit people because they made you mad. That’s still assault.

Not to mention his slap barely made Rock flinch. 

It’s probably less about what Chris said and more about how she reacted to it, if that makes any sense.

Unfortunately, I can see the Academy adding more violence next year to increase viewership. Dame Judi Dench and Olivia Colman in fisticuffs. Timothee Chalamet slamming Tom Holland’s head into the stage. John Williams leaping from the ring to deliver a diving clothesline to Hans Zimmer.

Your wife is a saint. I hope the bullshit teachers have had to go through is remembered the next time their union needs to go to the mat for fair pay, basic healthcare benefits, class size, resources - whatever teachers ask for they have damn well earned it.

Nothing about the Adam Driver “stanning” payoff?

The hilarious thing? There are/were 4.

The more hilarious thing? Their father was a goddamned rich lunatic who completely believed the rich needed to rule the land because they were destined by God and some shit. 2 of them bought into his bullshit (Charles and David)

The other 2:

It is the Koch Brother now. One down,one to go.

Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti...

Ironically enough, on this day in moose history, a moose bit my sister in 2005 . . .

Did you know that the WWE Network is only $9.99????????

Socialist is only scary for generations who were made to think that socialism == communism, especially in a Soviet sense. Gen X and later see democratic socialism as Western Europe and how well it works for them.

Sad to say, considering the piss-poor educational system in this country, most 5th graders probably don’t even know the US Virgin Islands exist. Heck, many of them probably don’t even know their own state capital. I had a college level geography class in 2015 where a shockingly large amount of people could not

I have known too many women who were raped say that reporting it and going through the aftermath with the police was far more traumatic than the event itself. It’s beyond fucked up.

This actually makes me respect those jokes and the writers who wrote them more. That’s pretty subversive of MacFarlane to do that at the Oscars imo.

This whole story was so blatantly ridiculous that I was surprised it wasn’t an email forward from my mother

Exactly how is what he said racist...? He talks about failed states and poor transitions, combined with a socio-economic issue based on large-family size and easily inferred from said family-size, need. Takes a lot of Euro to feed 7-8 kids, vs 1-2. It isn’t racist at all. Large-family size is a pretty common

Several years ago during an insanely stressful time I also started having anxiety attacks. First one ended with me in the hospital since I didn’t know what was happening, which was the worst part. Hopefully it’s only a minor setback for you and things don’t keep repeating in a feedback loop. Good luck.

Our grandmothers really knew how to do it.