
wow, more than anything i think BOTH actors are dealing with some really boring lines to read. They’re getting the job done, but there’s no real life to them. that said it’s pretty clear that the trained voice actor knows how to deal with such steaming piles of crap, vs. Dinklage who seems like he’s there for the

lol that sounds like my mom’s woodstock story, which is that she was on her way back from a relative’s and got stuck in traffic for hours. She’s like the female version of Richie Cunningham, so imagine her sitting in a giant oldsmobile in traffic with her equally square female cousin, watching hippies wander up and

wow, that announcer was just way too happy to say his line. I’m guessing that’s the self medication kicking in.

well i’m going to hear that from now on...thanks *sigh* ;)

Why do i feel like this lady was involved in this PR moment? Can’t help but wonder if he’s about to try to run for office.

come on! I liked the original denise.

i don’t know what’s going on but today i learned of dead drops and now that’s all i’m seeing online, people doing dead drops. Is this the new planking? The new twerk? Also how is no one blowing their knee out? lol!

Nationwide is on your...oh wait.

As a professor to freshman, may i just say that i laughed Heartily at this article. I don’t have a fucking clue who any of these asshats are either, and for probably the first time in my life, i’m ok with that. To be fair i wasn’t a fan of the MTV award shows from when I was a freshman either (oh god, that was

hang on, you did all of that for the crying kid and she still never forgave you? Yeah, she and i would not have been friends. You are clearly a better person than me.

lol, i’ve seen that at horse shows (also grew up showing horses), but i’ve never heard of anyone being banned, fined and such. Clearly you were hanging out with some seriously stiff upper lip stick up their butts folks. The people I rode with (and showed with) would have laughed it off and they probably would have

is it sad that this is exactly what i thought? I’ve married into a yankee family (i’m a braves fan, myself so we were watching this game when this occured), and even we think he’s an a-hole. I was really hoping they’d find a way to cut him loose, but oh well, such is life. That said, no matter what my feelings towards

i know a guy like that who is doing that to one of my friends right now. thankfully they’ve never married, or as he said, “we’re ABOVE such antiquated ideas”. But of course he wasn’t above screwing around on her 3 different times, all with co-workers who gossip and of course it all came back to her. I keep telling her

Jeebus, that’s horrific. And i thought my cousin’s funeral for her miscarriage was horrific (to be fair though, she miscarried with a month to go and have to give birth to a dead baby, knowing full well it was dead soooo that’s the sort of shit that fuels nightmares). Same thing tiny casket, tiny flowers, awkward

my story nothing special, it was just the moment that i realized that i detest my cousin’s wife.

naw, you’re fine. My childhood cat had 3 baths in his 16 years on this planet. two of which were due to a run in with a skunk and 1 was because he rolled in coyote poo (thanks, cat). Oh the joys of an indoor/outdoor cat in the middle of the woods. lol.

a) i didn’t know this was done by them, I was under the impression that marvel set this up as a variant cover (so why would the cosplayers being doing anything other than posing?). I just re-read this article and nowhere in there does it say that they did these pictures themselves, so I suppose i shouldn’t have

Are you the Lady Thor? You’re right, yours is the one of the few on here without the telltale smudge/blur action. Btw that costume is KILLER. Bravo!

I’m impressed with the idea and everyone looks awesome....