
i’m sure it will fade away over time vs the original book which has lasted many years. This isn’t the first time an author has had a sequel they didn’t want published emerge. Dashell Hammet also had his legacy tampered with (although he was dead by that time) by relatives and people who thought they knew best. They

the signatures match, i’m sold that it’s real :D

ever notice that even celeb’s kids have been media trained when it comes to posing for pictures. Both Willis and Cobain are not looking directly into the camera, their “smiles” are horrifically stiffled and so they look less like they’re celebrating and more like they’re mildly bored with each other. BUT you don’t get

he’s like a tall emilio estevaz, huh. Also i’m proud to say i have no idea who this guy is. I’m sad to say that i know who emilio estevaz is. :(

you should check it out, it’s pretty cool. As is drunk history :)

to be fair, it’s funny even when you’re sober. No? Just me? Must be the history minor in me, or maybe the fact that i have nurse a number of friends through some pretty drunk nights lol.

i suggest TURN (as it’s about the revolutionary war) it gets interesting after the 3rd episode. A bit soap opery. I also suggest: Ascension (scifi show about a generation ship leaving earth to continue mankind elsewhere...or is it?), Between (if you want to mock the crap out what you’re watching. It’s sooo bad it’s

i don’t have plans because our area holds the fireworks the day BEFORE the 4th (wtf?) and so our party was last night. It consisted of myself, my husband and a good friend of his...oh and my dog. We sat on the front porch drinking beer and watched the fireworks from there (as we live really close by). Today’s been a

believe it depends on the person on the other line. If i’m at work it usually ends with, “ok, thank you.” hang up. or “sounds good, thanks” hangs up. If it’s my parents it’s always “I love you, bye.” or “ok talk to you laters, love you, m’bye” (no idea why my family says m’bye all the time lol). To friends its

question, had they just said, “i’m sorry there’s no way we could do a cake during that time.” would they have been in trouble? I mean i recognize that they are assholes (come on making a cake for someone that you’ll never see again is a) not encouraging a lifestyle you dislike and b) not going to make you gay, so get

thankfully they aren’t seen on tv, so that’s nice. I don’t hate cheerleaders, i just feel like maybe they should stick to football and basketball. It’s a bit awkward and, more importantly, gets in the way of the game. Baseball isn’t really a start and stop game (for the most part, excluding the 7th inning stretch and

nice snip towards baseball there. The problem is our society’s group attention disorder, not the sport. God forbid we sit and watch only one thing at a time. It’s no more boring than any other live sport (football, golf...seriously WTF is up with watching golf both on TV or live. Playing it, sure but watching?). Oh

unless your family has a history of women not being fertile after 35, you’ve at least got another 5-10 years in you. Don’t give up, unless of course it’s not a priority for you and then if that’s the case, good for you. I know a few women who have had kids and wish they hadn’t. It’s not a decision to take lightly, but

I’m an only child too and I say power to the weird! Call me nuts, but I like that i wasn’t HUGE burden on my parent’s finances and that as the only I had more one on one attention. Both of my parents had time to share their hobbies with me and I learned a lot. The same cannot be said of my best friend, who is one of

my uncle has repeatedly said that if he knew how horrible birth was prior to he and his wife’s second child’s birth, he would have begged her not to have more kids. His eldest was born in old hospital down south back in the late 60s and they wouldn’t let the father’s in with the mothers. He had no idea how painful of

i’m right there with you, man :/

my husband and i have been saving them to use as a back-splash in our game room by the bar, but now i’m thinking we should just send them to bethesda lol!

agreed. Just get the hell out, cut off all ties and find a nice human in your zip code. I will NEVER understand long distance stuff. I know a few people it’s worked for but the majority of the time it’s a giant clusterf***. Time to move onward and kick this guy to the curb, maybe let his new wife know before you leave

shit..whhhy why didn’t i listen to you!!! (in all fairness i’ve always been the kid that presses the button that says don’t press lol).

clearly you ran into someone who lives in the same ridiculous no swearing world as my mother.