
oddly enough the woman next to her is nearly identical in both hair color and skin tone. She apparently did get close enough to pull this off.

honestly, with the tan she happens to be rocking right now, i bet if you took this image to photoshop and compared her to the woman in the hat on the opposite end, you would find out that they’re pretty close in pigmentation. Now that does not fix how this woman lied to people, but it certainly tells me why someone

i was about to comment on how it drives me nuts how people feel the need to comment on everything they see in the news, but then i went oh yeah...case in point. lol.

sadly sometimes you gotta point it out and then move on. And with that comment i’m moving on.

they just want their time in the news, here’s an idea, we all turn our backs and pay attention to something else.

well now you can add a fourth thing, asshole. They get your job after you’re forced to resign for saying stupid shit. And a good day to you, sir.

never raced a Quarter Horse, only barrel raced. And yes i know of their pedigree, but many of them come from other quarter horses now. Also i should say they’re not my favorite breed, i’m actually pretty pro-mutt horse. I think mutts of all animals are far superior to anything purebred. It just makes more sense than

That sounds right. I’ve always imagined that she is getting problem horses (after all they were taken off the track at very young ages, like 2 and 3). Still 18 is a bit young for a horse when the average age is usually 22-ish. Most of her problems with the horses were foot related (again except for the one that

OMG....that just made my night and it so shouldn’t have. The poor little girl, at that age i would have been distraught. As an adult...i donno, i mean...shut the damn fireplace screen. lol!

if i remember correctly those goddamn things lead to a lot of little kids getting beaned on the head and eventually they stopped selling them. Stupid Sky dancers lol!


huh, i kinda want to watch the show. Anyone know if there’s a subbed version out there?

the overbreeding and inbreeding is killing the throughbred industry, that’s pretty much it. My best friend has purchased 4 racetrack rescue throughbreds in the past 15-20 years. None of them has made it past age 12 (thanks to mostly hoof or leg ailments. One did die of collic). In comparison the quarter horses,

ugh, i “love” how once he got beaned everyone around him circled up. PEOPLE, for godsake BACK OFF. A lot of my family works within the medical industry and emergency services (i do not) and they have all commented on how much they hate the human need to circle up in an emergency and block the way for responders. It

i came here for this clip and am now leaving rest assured that all is well with our internet lol.

even though the NSA can track you with it on or off, the local PD cannot. If she has it off, she’s mia. No one is going to contact the NSA to find a 50 year old pregnant runaway, no matter how tragic.

According to Shakespeare it makes you eligible to kill a usurper king.

I’m not sure what the hell it is. it looks like some sort of ALIENS like creature. *shudder*

its interesting. My aunt had quit smoking for 10 years and then 9/11 happened and she shows up at our house with a cigarette in her mouth. My mother (her older sister) immediately called her on it.