
My grandfather was a smoker and had quit before i was born, but he always said, “all of those gimmicks, gums and junk they won’t help anyone who don’t wanna quit. You’ll quit when you’re ready to quit, or you’ll just smoke for life. That’s it.” In the end he quit too late and died of lung cancer back in ‘86. I never

Agreed. I bout a v neck sweater from them in 1999 (i only remember this because i was a senior in college) and it lasted FOREVER. I think it finally died on me my second year of teaching college back in 2006. I purchased another at that time. It lasted barely a year, oh and it cost more than the first one i bought.

i don’t mind the jcrew look for work apparel, but it’s not what i’d wear wandering out about town (even if i was going boating lol). Also their prices are insane. I can get a cardigan for half the price elsewhere. In fact i order their magazine to get ideas for work and then go to either Salvo or some consignment

gotta agree. My husband and I lived in an central air apartment for 7 years and we babied the SHIT out of ourselves. Both of us grew up in the countryside with only window fans (and when shit got real bad, you broke out another fan to point directly at your bed). This past December we purchased a large two story

still one of the best TV deaths ever AND something i think of every time i go to lick an envelope...hand to God. Not that i think i’m going to die, the episode just crosses my mind for a moment and makes me smile, that’s all.

that’s not adoring, i’m not kidding here, that’s the look of a woman who is waiting for her cue to talk because she’s been trained that the man leads. I’ve seen this shit IRL. It’s repugnant.

holy shit...

i also was wondering about that. I was like, how the hell is her makeup right now not being considered “whore-ish?” I mean the whole point of make up (unless you’re going for a particular effect) is to look like you’re not wearing any....right? *shakes head*

to be fair, you can watch it on hulu....that said i also love the clips and want this to continue. :)

HA!! love it.

yes, we should have more articles about man hating, child touching, dog torturing, drugged out actors.

oh christ, the mother thing happened to me about a month ago. My husband was like, wow... you sounded like your mom right then and i suddenly found myself angry (although i didn’t say anything). We weren’t even fighting, we were just having a pleasant conversation about something in the news or some current issue/pop

its the idea that only a whore needs to have above the knee shaved because only they would be showing it off. Clearly this was before anyone cared about how you looked in a swimsuit and it’s just carried on over the years by worried mothers. I will NEVER tell my daughter this, instead quite the opposite. I’m a swimmer

ok, but 135 on a short girl vs 135 on a tall one, is two very different things. I wouldn’t get pissed off at someone who says they weight 135 and they want to lose 5 lbs...granted i wouldn’t anyway because that’s their body issues, i’ve got plenty of my own. if you’re happy with 160, own it. But that said, i get where

we need to throw this woman a parade and tell those schools to f-off. God more and more i find myself leaning on Colbert:

I’m sure abuses exist (as there is plausability for every situation), but I never saw it. And i know that my info is purely anecdotal, but hey it’s fun to share. I knew of 4 people in relationships with professors during my college years. Of the 4, 1 really seemed to be in love. Another was purely enjoying banging and

my problem is that I had some pretty severe Heat Exhaustion one day and now it’s super easy for me to start feeling that way again (when in the sun). So if i’m not wearing a hat and drinking water while outside in the sun, i’m going to feel like shit later. So for me it’s not so much about thirst, but rather keeping a

we southern new yorkers like to think of you as such ;)

that is a question one should NEVER ask. lol

i’m with you, I also agree with her choice to do what she wants with her kid (although the comment on turbulence was a bit laughable. not all turbulence is predictable, but hell what is in life, right?) but that was logical fallacy there. I haven’t been a plane yet and i’m 37! Why? i grew up poor and most of my