
yikes, that sounds horrific. Here’s to hoping that any future kids inherit my husband’s ability to pass out within 20 minutes of taking benedryl. Seriously you could set a watch by him, it’s wild. When i first started taking the stuff it also would make me drowsey but apparently my taking it every day (ugh, come on

Is it just me or do these two ladies kinda look like sisters. If so...oooh it’s going to be a cold thanksgiving this year. Also if this is true i imagine the bride’s father going “SON OF A BITCH!” and heading straight for the bar. lol!

god bless that man. He is wonderful. While i wouldn’t have reacted that way towards a white dress . hell one of my guests showed up wearing a nearly identical dress to my bridesmaids - that’s what you get for letting them pick sundresses that they could wear to another function as i didn’t want them to blow money on

my f-ing wedding dress. *sigh* It was gorgeous. I’m not a girly girl, i didn’t go to prom (i’m a nerd who was a virgin far longer than most so trust me prom wasn’t even a consideration), but holy shit when i found my dress for my wedding...well, i was beaming. And then i let the goddamn seamstress that owned that shop

rich people who have always been wealthy (or relatively wealthy and had parents who hovered over them) are probably that dumb. Why would they have ever had to change a tire (or watch it be done) before? Their car breaks down, they call AAA and a car service to come pick them up. The car goes the magical fix-it shop

they might not be able to legally ask these questions, but i can gaurentee that if you don’t answer, you’ll be seen as a being difficult and you won’t get the job. Now at that point you have to ask yourself, do i really want to work at a shithole that asks such questions, but i just figured i’d point out that any

oy... i feel like his eyes are crying “I won and oscar. wtf, man?”

it never ceases to blow my mind how many idiots (like the coworkers the author commented on) out there seem to think they can analyze a situation that they were in no way involved in and take sides. WTF? Sometimes i think our freedom of speech allows us to be a little too free with our opinions, particularly our

I’m with you. When i get old, i’m Dowager Countessing it up in this place!

only looks? I watched this trailer last night and about died laughing at how terrible this will be. It’s nice when i can watch a trailer and immediately go, “well, that one won’t be taking any of my spare time from me.” and i skipped merrily away.

Oh well that’s nice, at least they thought she was pretty (i’m being utterly sarcastic right now, btw...this person is a dick). Agree or disagree with her carrying a mattress about, whatever, but let it go. Unless you’re the person she’s says raped her, OR you’re the president of the college, it’s got nothing to do

I was taking a screenwriting course one summer that also allowed us to film on Universal studio’s backlot. While i never really had any major run-ins with celebs (despite working down the hall from a number of editors who were working on the post production of a number of big films), I did have an odd run-in with

LOL, i had a similar situation with The guy who played goose in top gun and Dr. Greene on ER. Um...Anthony Edwards (had to look up his name lol). Apparently he was terrified that we (my group of friends - the only other people in the parking lot) had spotted him and he ran away like he was acting out the chase scene

not really defending her here, as i too figure she’s probably hell on wheels in interviews and on the set, but i imagine she gets asked those questions EVER...FRIGGEN..TIME. I mean just speaking as a fellow human, there has GOT to be a point where you just can’t take it anymore and sadly you lash out. Celebs are

a friend of mine is a conservative army major and he once had the pleasure of meeting Bill Clinton. He went into that meeting thinking “ugh, he’s your commander in chief. Just smile, nod shake his damn hand and get out of the way.” he said that withing 5 minutes of meeting the guy, he found Clinton to be SO charming

It gives me a war of the worlds vibe. :/

OMG i hate late night tv, this confirmed it. lol, well done. Also i’m loving the ridiculously over lotioned shiny legs. I swear they do that to all of the actresses.

one of my friends has a child with a huge head. I’m talking Mike Myers so i married an axe murder HUGE. Everyone in our group sees it and has spoken about it with light chuckles or utter amazement at some point or another (but never with the parents obviously). One Superbowl sunday the kid was wandering through our

i just love that the actress holding her is on the record for saying that she too was terrified of the damn thing lol.