
i grew up in the exact same situation and have the same opinion of owning a gun myself. We were told not to touch, so we didn't. Over the years even Dad has sold off his guns and only has the .22 somewhere. I've seen it a total of once in my life (it too is locked up in a gun case somewhere). But my father never

The mother claimed that the child was killed in a paintball gun accident, but police have determined the infant was shot with a revolver.


it began with harry potter and it's continuing with Hunger games and it will probably continue onward until they stop seeing money at the box office. So settle in, this is going to be a long horrific ride.

Call me when they bother to lower it into the 200 dollar range (and not 299, that shit isn't fooling anyone. $275 would be acceptable). Yes, yes i know i'll be waiting another 3 years, such is life.

not in New York state (was recent married, No blood test required). Apparently the whole make sure you're not related thing is a myth. In reality it had to do with STDs back in the day (30s/40s). Nowadays they figure most people can get drugs to help clear up most STDs (with the exception of things like HIV - which

does an extra layer of fat change things? I don't mean it to be cruel, just curious. If you're heavier is it harder to notice the baby's kicks? Just a thought.

I'm not sure i'm seeing what are you talking about, they look pretty normal to me.

ah yes. I know what you speak of. Honestly i dropped off LONG before that happened. I donno, there's something about the show that keeps me interested where the comic lost me. But then again more and more of Kirkman's comics are losing me. I once loved invincible now i feel like very issue just says "i should

road flares about 1 mile away could have saved lives. Granted it all happened so fast, i donno if they could have gotten there in time.

All Hail Carol, queen of the post apocalyptic world!

I was watching the more recent BBC production of Emma last night and found myself laughing at how they all freaked out that it was snowing outside and that they were going to end up with their carriages in ditches. For that reason the party decided that they must go home immediately. Then i thought for a moment, we

I once went to a wedding in East Texas where the bride rode in on the back of a pick-up truck, firing a shotgun into the air. At the end of the ceremony, my uncle called the whole affair "hoity-toity bullshit" and grumbled that the bride "acts like she thinks she's Princess Grace or something."

indeed. Oh god...have we gotten to the point where we speak of the "glory days" of bioware? :/

Yes yes yes, that's very interesting, but what of Mass Effect? It's adorable that they want to start new games, but having negative press about the game being rebooted isn't going to instill a lot of confidence in a new franchise. I say talk about how you're building on to the franchises that you already have

Now playing

Anyone know which comedian was it who had the bit about the emergency alert system failing them on 9/11. I remember some joke about how they kept waiting for the beep that we've all been trained to listen for, and the information that suppose to follow the beeps so that they would know what to do and they got NOTHING.

I think i pretty much established that i don't know anything about her. But yeah most cosplay costumes that look this good = money. Perhaps she saved, perhaps she's a booth babe, perhaps she's someone who has no other expenses and thus saved to craft these amazing creations. I didn't mean it to be a slap to her.

my cat does this without a string. If you throw one of his balls up into the air, he flips around after it. I've seen tons of cats do it. This is still adorable, however.

oh god, my mother muttered something about that during christmas this year. I found myself giving a civics lesson in how bills are passed and who has true power in the US and then half way through my rant i suddenly no longer cared. lol.

i thought it just ended, not canceled.