
Grandma? Are you on "The Google" again?

twitter has got to be an Agent's worst nightmare. This is why many celebrity twitter accounts are owned and managed by a third party PR company.

Wow, the time...the money spent! Is she independently wealthy or working like a dog to pay for all this? I would love to blow more money on my cosplay, but sadly I got bills to pay. That said, keep up the great work. I shall just have to live vicariously through those cosplayers with both amazing skills AND deep

"Microsoft and Sony are fucking retarded, literally monkeys behind computers," one of the members of Lizard Squad explained to The Daily Dot. "They would have better luck if they actually hired someone who knew what they were doing. Like, if they went around prisons and hired people who were convicted for stuff like

the acting blew, BUT it certainly made up for it, i'd watch that terrible film for a lazy saturday got nothing better to do viewing :)

was this the guy who did the review on a video game based on the 80s horror genre. I just remember something about a babysitter and him making fun of the kid she's sitting because he's insane (not really, just that the game is glitchy and makes him seem insane. Also apparently turning on the tv makes him stop

i thought we already got this answer with Edward Penishands.

Well, pushing into the conversation aside and acting like a bossy mom who must know everyone's business the story at least ended nicely with the kids getting the ability to go to the game they wanted. I'm not so certain it's healing race relations, but at least the kids made out ok.

This is not a flattering picture of Josephine. I donno why, but she looks better on my xbox 360.

i was wondering that too, but being a gal i have ZERO experience with jockstraps. hell i don't think I've ever even seen one in real life (other than at a store, or in a pile waiting to be laundered by someone). The one guy talked about feeling like his ass was cold the second he went outside, can you not wear

huh, looks like one of my friends from college. John, is that you? lol.

very cool, although the 1910 wasn't quite bulky enough. Their hair was a giant poof. Also these are all idealized versions. Sure women put their hair up like this but few had a team of hair stylists to get it all perfect. Frizz was king until probably the 80s (but by then teasing was popular so who would know) and

it is? That just made it even more awesome :)

agreed (and i'm 37!). Honestly what i'm getting out of this teaser is that those who love it seem to be willing to try something new and use their inner child to embrace it. Those who toss it aside seem to do so for reasons that smack of bitter adulthood OR ptsd from the prequel shit. Or at least that's the pattern

good for you. I went nearly 10 years before finding my husband. It just wasn't my time. I dated a few guys, but somehow i just sort of smelled the crazy on them and went...meeeeh, thanks but no thanks. I think my mother (who is old school) had given up and assumed that she would never see me find love (sure it's an

thanks for getting back to me :) I actually spent an hour online with an EA rep. It was insane. Apparently i had signed up for origin a bunch of years ago with an old email and it messed up my account linking with my xbox live account, but it's all straightened out now and i was eventually able to use my keep info

I've recently tried only watching the 1st trailer (not the 1st teaser, as I give up on that horseshit. it's usually either a) a voice or sound fx over a close up of one particular thing that represents the story (ex: a shot of the inside of the ring from LOTR as it glows and you hear a dragon growl) OR b) it's the

ok, so if someone wants to be nice to the slow kid in class, i'd much appreciate it. I'm hoping to start DA:Inquisition when i get home tonight and I've been reading/hearing that i won't be able to simply load my previous Dragon Age game data into the new game (as you could with the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age

wow, so only 2 of those outcasts listed were NOT played by Johnny Depp. I hope Depp recognizes just how much he owes to burton for casting him over and over again. Not that Depp isn't amazing on his own, but their collaboration is clearly lengthy and important to BOTH of their careers.