Just like the odd eBay storefront that popped up last year, a new site called Factory Outlet eBay Store is selling…
Just like the odd eBay storefront that popped up last year, a new site called Factory Outlet eBay Store is selling…
Navy warns it is short on funding.
It's one of those things where you realize your too deep in shit to back out now. Just have to push through......Kinda like sobering up half way through banging an ugly chick, you're too far to go back now, might as well finish up and walk home in shame.
The DoD painted the F-35's alternative jet engine as a huge unneeded expense, one that was more about congressional…
From tactical to practical, unmanned aircraft systems are becoming a more constant presence in our everyday lives,…
Russia isn't the only nation launching a nuclear sub hunter after two decades of development. The UK recently rolled…
"Between modernization and maintenance of the current fleet of all the aircraft, procurement of new and replacement aircraft (F-35, new tanker, new CSAR helo, T-38 replacement, etc...), training costs, research, development, test & eval, military construction, personnel costs (payroll, health care, moving allowances &…
Navy SEALs are known for their incredible abilities to sneak into well guarded places undetected and taking down…
While it's still unclear whether or not plants can actually feel us sinking our teeth in, one thing is for certain:…
To be fair to their argument, they do not argue that there is no climate change, they argue that it is not man made and that we can do nothing about it.
Because they're all reading from the same source. None of them read any primary sources. It's all pamphlets and AiG and whatever pastor is "teaching" them. It's gotten to the point where you can predict exactly what their response is going to be to anything you say. It's all eyes are too perfect, Lucy is the only…
Quick, name three other famous hominid fossils.
Young-earth creationists don't ignore science. Instead, they reinterpret it to fit their belief system. One…
Wow, I feel exactly contrary to you about infinity—I find nothingness existentially terrifying.
The always-excellent Vi Hart (previously) gives one of the most engaging explanations of multiple infinities we've…
Well, to quote Moe from the Simpsons: "Let's go burn down the observatory so this will never happen again."
The people who decry doing anything to stem climate change are the ones who will tell you to that you'd better believe in god just in case he and damnation is real.
A politician or media identity who would be laughed out of office if they said "vaccines don't work"
Remember the first time you saw a Möbius strip (the ring-shaped surface with only one side) and it felt like your…
The notion of infinity is fundamentally beyond the human ability to comprehend, but that hasn't stopped…