Have we completely run out of interesting names for cars? C-Max and S-Max make me think they should be some kind of medium duty truck/van thing.
Have we completely run out of interesting names for cars? C-Max and S-Max make me think they should be some kind of medium duty truck/van thing.
Old cars (no, OLD; 50s-60s) usually had the key on the dash and frequently on the left hand side. That way you could operate the manual choke cable with your right hand.
If we're picking nits, I don't think engineer needs to be capitalized in that instance.
Dan, I like your style. Don't tell me my swill isn't great!
Are we ever going to get slim-back seats in ANY car? Those look fantastic and save a bunch of leg room in the back. Probably lighter too.
The big front page pics were great. As is being harped on by everyone, way too much dead space on the margins. I really liked being able to scroll forever down on the mainpage. Clicking to "more stories" is a step backwards. And you should have more of the tags available for clickage on the top left thingy.
Excellent fox photo.
Dishonorable mention: Solstice/Sky. I put one nail gun and a 2 barrel Holley in it once and the truck is full. With the top down nothing, NOTHING, goes in there. And you have to walk all around the car to put the top up and down. Awful.
Quick! Someone get this man a cookie.
Floor mount urinals are the worst things ever. Never piss on the floor while wearing sandals.
Denalii may have more sound deadening (don't know, never been in it) but my Sierra is identical in everyway to my sister-in-law's silverado on the inside. Mine just happens to look prettier on the outside.
Seems like I'd heard somewhere* they had relaxed the lasik thing in recent years.
Plastic bumpers RUINED the C3. And then the big back glass utterly destroyed it. The early ones are super.
Freebirds also has bacon bits now. But its 89 cents for a sprinkle, which is total bullshit.
I read in a cycling training book that what most folks call "long slow distance" should actually be "long STEADY distance." It's not necessarily slow, just constant pace that you can maintain a while. I guess sometimes that turns into "slow" depending on the total distance though.
I am surprised that they don't talk about how women lack the portion of the brain that judges distance. Which is why they are terrible drivers
So the first 45 minutes of basketball are pointless. Agreed. Can we stop them from playing for 9 months straight then?
That's how Stephen King spelled it, too.