
Amazon Prime frequent purchasers perhaps?

I'm guess like previous Channel Master devices, this one has a hard drive in it and requires no pc middleman. It's pricey at $400, but unlike cable, you pay for it once and it's yours. No monthly subscription of recurring equipment costs.

Yeah, my local uHaul and one of the local 7Eleven gas stations refill propane cylinders.

Junk mail is probably a decent profit source for the USPS unfortunately.

I've had so many problems with trying to get UPS to deliver that I shudder to thing what would happen if they were my only choice. I don't live in a bad neighborhood, but I have watched them drive up the street, then drive back down and mysteriously my tracking information changes from "out for delivery" to "attempted

Why do you feel that would be a no-go?

Wasn't the gesture area a WebOs function?

Because one size does not fit all. I don't have dainty hands. A phone the thickness of my 1st gen iPod touch doesn't appeal to me one bit. There has to be a minimum thickness there to facilitate comfortable holding of the device for any extended period of time.

Because one size does not fit all. Not everyone has dainty hands.

I agree, it's like an extreme Droid X profile. It doesn't make sense for it to taper at the bottom. Plus thing about when you try to hold your phone between the side of your face and your shoulder. That would be nearly impossible if the phone tapered to be thinner at the top.

I too love The Incredibles and abhor that they came out with a sequel to Cars before a sequel to The Incredibles. In fact, I find Cars to be mostly unenjoyable with little substance and character development. Yeah, yeah, Lightning changed his ways arrogant self-centered ways, but that's such a rote storyline. The

I lived in Phoenix, AZ from the ages of 4 to 8. If I didn't go outside because it was 105 degrees, I wouldn't have gone outside at all.

So you don't think that allowing #2: AT&T to surpass #1: Verizon by gobbling up #4: T-Mobile(the cheapest of the 3 nationwide carriers) and ensuring that 80% of the nation's cell phone users are on either AT&T or Verizon, competition might be irreparably harmed?

Can't be that bad...remember, at least Sprint still has the 30 days to make sure you like the phone deal. Besides, remember when AT&T started carrying the iPhone and people were gladly paying the ridiculously low ETF, unlocking the phone and selling it overseas and profitting while AT&T was losing money on the phones?

Premium data fee is charged to all 3G capable smartphones as of about a month ago if i'm not mistaken. It will also go into effect if you change phones on your account via the web interface. If you stick with your current 3G smartphone and never upgrade, that's the only way you can avoid that fee.


I love your point about the 3GS upgrade being huge. That is a very valid point in that it was by far the biggest update to the iPhone in it's history.

I doubt there will be a merger of T-Mobile and Sprint. I think Sprint learned with their Nextel merger, mixing network technologies is the stuff of nightmares. Now what I could see happening is T-Mobile partnering with Sprint on LTE when Sprint's 4g Network initiative comes out on Oct. 7th. Sprint and Clearwire

I understand what you're saying, and maybe Europe and UK are separate, but I had a lot of family from the UK at my house for weeks on end(about 20 cousins over for my sister's wedding). When we compared what we were paying for service. I believe one of my cousins is on O2 and based on what I pay with Sprint...there

Don't worry...there goes $6 billion to T-Mobile to help them further build out their network, stay competitive and keep AT&T and Verizon honest by allowing them to compete even better than before.