
I also have and love the tracks HD and am highly anticipating these Master Tracks model. May wait a bit though to make sure they don't come out with an HD model shortly thereafter. I wonder if they will make the "sound engines" as they call them available for purchase by themselves like you can with the tracks and to respond to that...

I understand the UI is not stock Android, but my take from all other reviews was specifically that the menus on the AT&T version were radically modified from the normal ICS menu structure while the Sprint version adhered to the ICS menu structure.

Slave labor comment is probably valid, but barely upgrade? Are you joking? From dual core to quad core processor, double the ram with 2GB. Much more sensitive Wacom digitizer? Actually comes with the most current version of the operating system? What more would it have to have for you to not be complaining about it?

Amen to that! I take great pains to take care of my stuff and keep it looking as pristine as posssible. Imagine my horror when my wife who had taken my phone to answer a text got out of the car when we reached our destination and dropped my phone on the ground because she forgot it was in her lap. All sorts of

3 or 4 years old, my mom was sleeping on the couch as she worked as a nurse during the night shift. I was up doing who know what. When my dad came home, he realized his turntable lid was up and the stylus was missing. Apparently, I ate the diamond tip stylus. I was taken immediately to the hospital and x-rayed. They

"Your second thought will be, "Wait, where the hell are those settings I want to change? What the hell is wrong with these menus!?" "

I think the jist is that once LTE launches on Sprint, their 3g network won't be so overloaded and will in turn experience some well needed improvement.

^^^^THIS! First thing I thought when I saw the front end.

^^^^THIS! First thing I thought when I saw the front end.

The notification light alone was enough of a clincher for a lot of people. The 4.52" display and the higher capacity battery(vs the international and original AT&T versions) was like icing on the cake.

Forgive me if i'm mistaken, but isn't one of the reason this phone is using the Qualcomm S4 chipset because of the fact that LTE is actually part of the SOC and not an add-on radio like it is on all the current WiMax phones? I believe that is actually the reason for the poor battery life on all the current LTE phones,

Basically, what HashMaster9000 said and to add that the PS3 OS does not support TRIM which if you google it, is vitally important to the whole efficiency of SSDs in the 1st place.

The problem with smartphones is that while people do like their electronics to get smaller, that is not so much the case with display devices people use to consume content. TVs are getting slimmer, but the screens are most certainly getting larger(80" Sharp LCD!). A small phone is fine until you're trying to read

This is interesting and probably explains why after playing Dance Central on the Kinect with my daughter 3 times in one week switching off so neither of us are super active for more than 4 mins at a time resulted in my pants becoming a lot looser in such a short span.

You mean they didn't have a problem with barely legitimate competitors with negligable marketshare like Microsoft or "bring out your dead" Palm.

"As if allegedly stealing the idea for Android from Apple wasn't enough in the first place, eh?"

I think you're misunderstanding. The bezel on the Nook ST is a plus. Laying on your side reading one-handed, the wide bezel combined with the contouring on the back makes the Nook very comfortable to hold for long reading sessions. The contours on the back allow the device to self-stabilize in your hand much better